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View Full Version : MGS4 Possible on Xbox 360?

January 21st, 2007, 10:24
Interview from Gamepro, heres the juicy part:

GP: Back to PS3 hardware: has it been challenging to work with the PS3 Cell CPU?

Kojima: Of course I don't actually work with all the programs, so I can't tell you specifically what's difficult. But overall I think it is difficult, of course. But if it's easy and simple, then how can you differentiate from other games? Other people will do the same thing as you. Therefore, we're trying to use [the Cell's] difficulty to create something different.

If I say too much, Mr. Kutaragi might get really upset. I think that the PS3 is difficult to work with, but so was the PS2.

GP: Is MGS4 still planned as an exclusive PS3 game? Do you have any interest in Xbox 360 development?

Kojima: Well, yes, I do have strong interest in creating something for the Xbox 360. In the US and Europe, it is selling, and I think it will sell a lot this year as well. I'm a fan of Gears of War as well, it's very interesting.

Frankly speaking, I want to create something on the PC. It's a multi-platform [format]. I've been regularly studying work on the PC anyways, and I want to provide something as a world-wide platform because of the consequences with timing on the PlayStation platforms, MGS4 is actually for the PS3 only so far.

GP: If you ever made an Xbox 360, would you find it difficult to work with because it uses a standard DVD?

Kojima: It's not necessarily challenging or difficult, it's just a matter of how we do it. It might be a couple of discs, or possibly a new form of dual-layer.

Full article here (http://www.gamepro.com/news.cfm?article_id=94010)

January 21st, 2007, 14:02
:eek: that would be brilliant, the 360 is the best console out there

January 21st, 2007, 18:03
it is what i've been hoping for for a while. i sort of expected this news too as there are loads of mgs fans like myself who sony forced away from ps3.

January 21st, 2007, 18:59
I think that if MGS4 comes to the Xbox 360 it will be the death of the PS3. Sony Fanboys biggest defense is that they get MGS4. But if it is made for the 360 i bet there will be a lot of undecided ps2 owners that will switch to Xbox 360 due to the price difference, especially if the 360 drops in price soon.

Anyways this great news. More great games are starting to make their way to the 360. Sounds like Microsoft is starting to impress a lot of the software developers.

January 21st, 2007, 20:33
about time too! and yeah if mgs4 DOES make the jump then ps3 would die in the west and 360 sales would be boosted in japan, more japanese developers would take notice and bring games to it, resulting in more sales, bringing more games etc etc. it could actually see the 360 slowly overtake ps3 in japan.

January 21st, 2007, 23:24
And if Devil May Cry 4 came to 360, it would be the final nail i believe. Would be great.

January 22nd, 2007, 10:15
Sony can't afford to lose MGS4, DMC4 and FF XIII (Versus). If one or more of these games become multiplatform, then Sony is screwed big time.