View Full Version : GTA 5 demo revealed to press today, expect details next month

October 11th, 2012, 23:41
It seems Rockstar is finally set to pull back the veil on Grand Theft Auto 5, with a demo ready to be revealed to the outside world.
http://cdn.medialib.computerandvideogames.com/screens/screenshot_289093_thumb_wide300.jpg (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/viewer.php?mode=article&id=289093)The developer is showing the game to press today, as confirmed by Game Informer editor-in-chief Andy McNamara, who posted onTwitter (https://twitter.com/GI_AndyMc/status/256446546739068928) moments ago: "In NYC, about to check out December's cover game #GTAV", with an accompanying picture of Rockstar's logo.So, GTA 5 will adorn the cover of GI's December issue, due out next month, and asKotaku (http://kotaku.com/5950975/looks-like-grand-theft-auto-v-is-ready-to-be-shown-to-the-press) points out, it often reveals first details on its cover games shortly ahead of the magazine release.
So those of you tired of the slow drip-feed of info we've gotten so far will likely get your fill of new details next month if not sooner.
As reported earlier today, GameStop UK is listing a Grand Theft Auto 5 release date of Friday March 1 (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/372631/grand-theft-auto-5-release-date-march-1-gamestop-listing/), 2013. Probably placeholder, but March has been previously rumored.