View Full Version : Some pretty new Heavenly Sword scans

January 21st, 2007, 15:33
via ps3fanboy (http://www.ps3fanboy.com/2007/01/20/some-pretty-new-heavenly-sword-scans/)

Hmm, call me crazy, but I'd rather take Final Fantasy XIII's Lightning out for coffee than Heavenly Sword's Nariko. Why? Uhhh... check out the latest screens/scans from the latter's game and you tell us. Yeah, you'd feel safe if Nariko was having a good time and you suddenly get surrounded by a plethora of ninjas, but what if she asked for decaf and you forgot? Something tells me she'd be less receptive than Lightning.

Anyway, these latest scans show the long red-haired heroine dealing some major deathblows to some masked peons, as well as Jeux-France's confirmation that indeed, the game is due out in March for the North American crowd. Which is really strange, since the latest EGM threw this title out in their "Fall '07" lineup. But of course, this is the same EGM who hosted a poll asking "What's wrong with the PlayStation Store" and 55% of the voters said "It's not XBox Live". I mean, I don't like cheese because it isn't ice cream. Sure, both are dairy, but I'm ignorant and take advantage of a poll without any screening questions.

Wow, we're getting off topic. Although, not much to be on topic about. Check out the scans and get pumped up for March!

Screens Here (http://www.jeux-france.com/news18839_heavenly-sword-fait-son-show.html)

January 22nd, 2007, 00:12
Cant wait for this game, looks great. Its one of my reasons for wanting a PS3.
Im importing thits from the US for sure.

January 22nd, 2007, 03:47
Cant wait for this game, looks great. Its one of my reasons for wanting a PS3.
Im importing thits from the US for sure.

If it has Online Play you might want to wait until a European disc comes out. Word around the Resistance forums is that some Resistance discs imported to countries who haven't gotten the games for that region, don't work online. The one case I read about was a Chinese user, who bought an Asian PS3 but got a Japanese import copy of Resistance; needless to say the game was looking to connect to the Japanese servers in China, which didn't happen.

Don't know if this applies to all games, but you might want to check into it before importing.