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View Full Version : Finally I Took the Plunge

January 21st, 2007, 15:55
Ive had a v1.0 PSP since the release day in Japan all those years ago and not once was i interested in updating, not even when the releases of Devhook for v1.5 occured.

But recently with the release of Dark Alex`s firmware that supports the full speed Playstation emulator that shook my resolve, i was tempted to buy another PSP but my wife and bank balance didnt agree so last night i updated from v1.0 to v1.5 then onto the Dark Alex firmware.

Now its onto the new generation of firmware, my only hope is that Dark Alex and co give support to PAL Playstation games.

One funny thing is that with the release of the firmware/emulator that i have gone out and brought all my fave PS1 games to play on my PS2.

Who else finally took the plunge with the new firmware from v1.0 or v1.5 ?

January 21st, 2007, 15:57
Welcome to the future, dear Wraggster.
I was like you, holding on to 1.5 for dear life. I took the plunge with 3.02Oe and have never looked back! You will not be dissapointed!

January 21st, 2007, 15:58
I got PSPdemon to too :D BTW you can convert your PAL games to NTSC and they should work on the PSP ;)

January 21st, 2007, 16:03
I was saved by the 2.0 to 1.5 downgrader and was afraid to ever do anything else....I took the plunge to 3.02oe-a so I didn't have to use devhook anymore (liked using memstick over UMD's to carry my games)
Still afraid to go higher...don't know if there any advantages since I never had a PS1 and don't plan on emulating.

So for all you out there...Should I go up to 3.03OE or stay at 3.02...I can still take 3.03 back to 1.5 right?

January 21st, 2007, 16:04
wraggsters a conformist?! When I first downgraded and was able to use homebrew again, I naturally stayed on 1.5 since I knew it so well. Of course once I started to really read about what has been up in recent months in the psp-homebrew community, I found people singing praises of DA's new "Custom" Firmware. What was the turning factor for me was that It used the 1.5 kernal AND had the benefits of 1.0 simultaneously, while making it possible to play new games that used 3.02. You Wraggster, as well the majority of the psphomebrew community, have made a good decision in choosing o use DA's firmware.

January 21st, 2007, 16:31
me too when i heard about 2.71 se i never upgraded to it i felt it was just going to suck and that 1.50 was loads better, i was wrong though once i updated to 3.03 oe-b i couldnt be anymore happier

the best part is i save like 60 mb of space if i was using devhook

January 21st, 2007, 16:34
Well well... Only yesterday did I upgrade a model PSP1000 from 1.0 to 3.03 OE-B. The guy in question had 3 PSPs, and is happy with this upgrade. The amount of new potential higher firmwares give you is quite amazing. I only wish there was a simple guide to modifying 1.00 EBOOTS for 3.03 or similar. I'm not even sure how to do it myself :D

January 21st, 2007, 16:37
I've not yet switched, but I'm getting increasingly tempted. It would be nice to run my new games without having to run DevHook first.

January 21st, 2007, 16:48
once you go 3.02 OE or higher, you wont go bck!!

January 21st, 2007, 16:53
I have had a DAX custom since they came out. My psp has also ben through evey single downgradble firmwaer, so i can tet the diwngrdaders out. bUt you cant beat a DAX firmware. espacially with 3.03 OE-B with tue full screen vids

January 21st, 2007, 16:58
I upgraded from 1.5 to 3.02 0eb about a week after it came out. I would probaly have dont it immediately but I was really worried aboutmy snes9xtyl saves. Everything work great! I am slowly making myself upgrade to 3.03oeb.

January 21st, 2007, 17:01
Now its onto the new generation of firmware, my only hope is that Dark Alex and co give support to PAL Playstation games.

I havent encountered a problem yet by converting my pal games to ntsc... everything I've tried runs perfecto. Its really not much effort to change the games region. :)

I've been more interested in playing with my PS1 games then any new psp releases! lol

January 21st, 2007, 17:03
Wraggy, I have a thread of PSX Games elsewhere on the internet including your favorite C&C. If you want the link feel free ask and ill send it you on PM, only you as its not good to advertise other sites here that you dont want.

Good to know you updated, I too did the same thing :)

January 21st, 2007, 17:04
I thought I would be one of those 1.5 for life ppl, but the thought of having a full speed PS1 along with everything 1.50 fw could do and more was too tempting to pass up.

I updated to 3.02 OE-A and haven't gone back since. With 3.03 OE-B now on my PSP, everything is all good lol.

January 21st, 2007, 17:07
Wraggster, your psp isnt a virgin anymore :eek:


January 21st, 2007, 17:07
Wraggy, I have a thread of PSX Games elsewhere on the internet including your favorite C&C. If you want the link feel free ask and ill send it you on PM, only you as its not good to advertise other sites here that you dont want.

Good to know you updated, I too did the same thing :)

Ha. Im pretty sure wraggster is against piracy....

January 21st, 2007, 17:09
You can always downgrade from 3.02/.03 oe back to 1.5 again. Just use the recovery mode.

January 21st, 2007, 17:10
Wraggster, your psp isnt a virgin anymore :eek:


Wraggster lost his cherry to Dark ALex! lol :rofl:

January 21st, 2007, 17:15
I was firmly stuck on 1.5 BIOS untill the Custom Firmware was he only one that would do full speed PSX emulation so I updated from that and left Devhook behind (Which was only used to play Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, my only PSP game, which I know is a remake of a PS1 game)

January 21st, 2007, 17:29
I too decided to take the plunge and upgraded my PSP that has been 1.5 since I opened the box after importing from the US at release! I am pleased I did it, am having tons of fun with Popstation (and the Namco museums before they became crap!) and I guess we can all go back to 1.5 via the recovery menu, although it will never be a virgin again :-)

January 21st, 2007, 17:36
I'm at 1.5 after recently downgrading from 2.80 and i see no real need to update yet. I'm not very intrested in ps1 games and just use devhook for the need for higher firmwares.

January 21st, 2007, 17:38
1.0/1.5 is dead
Long live 3.03 OE-B

January 21st, 2007, 17:39
I updated to every firmware because i buy and play the games, requiring you to upgrade. so I upgraded every time. I finally was able to play them all on the devhook. and then I downgraded again to 1.5. Then DarkAlex 3.02 came out and I am now at 3.03 b with dark alex. ::Wipes Forehead::

January 21st, 2007, 17:49
Great to see you on 3.03OE-B wraggster! Now make use of popstation and start converting some ps1 games :D

January 21st, 2007, 17:59
Knowing that the custom firmware was the future of the PSP, I upgraded my PSP immediately. I always wanted NOT to boot DevHook to play my games. That was the main reason for me at the beginning. I upgraded 1.50 into 2.71 SE-A, back then, and I was really happy. The rest you know...

January 21st, 2007, 18:06
I too was one of the die-hard 1.50 users. I never even bothered with 2.71 SE. Always preferred 1.50 w/ DevHook.

But then the best Christmas ever came when Dark_AleX unleashed his amazing OE firmware. The unlocked PSX EMU was too good to pass up. Now I'm currently using 3.03 OE-B and can honestly say it is the best firmware for a PSP to have.

Thanks again to Dark_AleX and welcome to a better PSP homebrew experience wraggster!

PSP 101
January 21st, 2007, 18:09
Hope you enjoy 3.03 OE-B Wraggster.

January 21st, 2007, 18:20
I recently updated one of my 2 PSP from 1.5 to 3.03 OE-B. I don't regret it. When I find my other PSP I will upgrade it to 3.03 OE-B too. I don't really use them anymore but this new firmware is by far the best I got to try (and I even got 1.0 on my first PSP back then).

January 21st, 2007, 18:24
I was a 1.5 user for the longest time, since I got my psp. I read about 2.71 se but I was too afraid to flash and didnt really understand what it did, and I was using devhook. Dont get me wrong devhook is awesome but Dark_Alex's custom firmware 3.03 OE-B is HEAVEN SENT. On X-mas day I saw the release and I was like WOW thats friggin sweet! updated to his custom firmware And Ive never looked back. Everything 1.5 has plus everything 3.03 has and even more. Now lets just hope with the newer firmware yet to be released there will always be a way to downgrade back to 1.5, Or for dark_alex to include them in future builds so we can keep playing the newest games and have homebrew and emulation

January 21st, 2007, 18:54
i had 1.5 from day 1 of the US releases(that when i got my psp)
till x-mas 2006 is when i upgaed to 3.02 OE-A then even OE update and
now my psp is 3.03 OE-B and me happy

January 21st, 2007, 19:28
I held out just like you. But when I saw the potential of 3.02oe-b I couldn't resist. Not only that but I brought everyone I know with me! LOL! Ended up upgrading 5 PSPs before I was done!

January 21st, 2007, 19:49
Since I have a 1.50 PSP and a 1.0 PSP I took the plunge with 1.50 and left my 1.0 as is. I use it when the desire to write PSP code takes me, which is not often lol.

January 21st, 2007, 19:55
same here wraggy!

January 21st, 2007, 20:16
I have had 1.5 since April of 2005 and I have never touched the firmware on it, because I knew that if I did, something would go wrong and Id have a bricked PSP... but the enticement over the years and with the new custom firmware, I decided to do a little research.
I looked online at people's responses on the new firmware, and found a very reliable guide (From this site) Plugged in my PSP, and upgraded to the first custom firmware that unlocked PSX availability.
With the success that overtook me, I was thrilled to find out that it was actually a painless procedure if you can count your numbers (1..2..3).
Just follow the steps and Alex wont lead you wrong!

Thanks again Alex! And to DCEmu!

(Also for the people with no memstick space, do a little research on USB with 3.03 OE-B)

January 21st, 2007, 20:31
Cool, wraggy I am currently at 1.51 (kinda messed up on a top_menu.rco file, will downgrade soon then go back to 3.03OE-B.

January 21st, 2007, 20:50
Welcome to the new world Wraggster, ;).

P.S. You have to throw the 1.00 Version of PSPUAE into the GAME150 folder, to be able to run it, ;). Unless you have already switched your Kernel in Recovery, so that GAME = 1.50 and not 3.03.

January 21st, 2007, 21:18
Ive had a v1.0 PSP since the release day in Japan all those years ago and not once was i interested in updating, not even when the releases of Devhook for v1.5 occured.

But recently with the release of Dark Alex`s firmware that supports the full speed Playstation emulator that shook my resolve, i was tempted to buy another PSP but my wife and bank balance didnt agree so last night i updated from v1.0 to v1.5 then onto the Dark Alex firmware.

Now its onto the new generation of firmware, my only hope is that Dark Alex and co give support to PAL Playstation games.

One funny thing is that with the release of the firmware/emulator that i have gone out and brought all my fave PS1 games to play on my PS2.

Who else finally took the plunge with the new firmware from v1.0 or v1.5 ?

i did the same last night, and i would have to say that yes, i do like 3.03 OE-B alot :D

the only thing that i can see as a downer ( which probably can be fixed ) is the boot times...but thats about it... evverything else is a positive :D

Thanks for Everything,

January 21st, 2007, 21:42
I was exactly the same. In fact, I only upgraded a few days ago! Before then, however, I was very reluctant.
Now, I play Um Jammer Lammy and Symphony of the Night on the PSP.

January 21st, 2007, 21:50
I've also had my 1.5 for over a year and a half, and was concearned about upgradig to 3.03 OE-B. I did it yesterday and loved it! I just couldn't believe I've waited so long to update. Just one question though, can someone poit me to where can I find out about the Advanced Configuration tab about all those Flash pspbtcf..etc are for? And also to get plugins?

January 21st, 2007, 22:14
I purchased my PSP with 1.5 specifically in mind about 18 months ago.
and swore I would never move...
Didn’t see any reason too.

First came 3.02 and then 3.03

Seeing all my PSX games come to life again is worth it.
Even if something goes wrong I can always go back to 1.5 and use DevHook.

January 21st, 2007, 22:32
Im another thats not made the upgrade. I dont really own a PSP for the UMD games, in fact since I 1st bought it ive owned 3 games, GTA LCS (which I bought it for), Lummnies and the last I got was GTA VCS. (all of which I run off a 2gb stick).

I run snes9x, dgen, scummvm, doom 1,2 & final and a NES emu, its all I need!

If however one day I read on this site that someones got the MGS mantis controller swap sorted and that tomb raider works flawless then I might make the leap(or buy another to do so) for the PS1, as I have lots of original games still .

Wraggster, if you'd said you wanted another PSP but money was tight i'd have sent a donation via PayPal & im sure many other would have followed suit!

January 21st, 2007, 23:03
Im another thats not made the upgrade. I dont really own a PSP for the UMD games, in fact since I 1st bought it ive owned 3 games, GTA LCS (which I bought it for), Lummnies and the last I got was GTA VCS. (all of which I run off a 2gb stick).

I run snes9x, dgen, scummvm, doom 1,2 & final and a NES emu, its all I need!

If however one day I read on this site that someones got the MGS mantis controller swap sorted and that tomb raider works flawless then I might make the leap(or buy another to do so) for the PS1, as I have lots of original games still .

Wraggster, if you'd said you wanted another PSP but money was tight i'd have sent a donation via PayPal & im sure many other would have followed suit!

Well, to get round the mantis controller swap thing sorted, you just destroy the statues in the corners of the room :p See here: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=48071

And last I heard, people had even got music working on tomb raider.

Added to the fact that there is no disadvantage in running 3.03OE-B over 1.5, OR 1.0, and we have a winner!


January 21st, 2007, 23:06
You can always donwngrade from 1.5 to 1.0

January 21st, 2007, 23:07
And... Why would that help?


January 22nd, 2007, 00:32
i wonder if we'll ever be able to emulate the custom firmware by way of devhook?

January 22nd, 2007, 01:09
just a side note, my install of dark alex 3 firmware B version plays PSX PAL version software, and i have a USA PSP.

January 22nd, 2007, 02:00
just a side note, my install of dark alex 3 firmware B version plays PSX PAL version software, and i have a USA PSP.
Yah, I have also succesfully converted a few pal games
( I am currently in Trois-Rivičres, Quebec) and they work just fine on my 3.03oeb.

January 22nd, 2007, 02:40
I switched from 1.5 to 3.02OE right after it came out. Words can't describe how much I love this config. With 1.5, I was constantly rebooting, and opening the drive door to prevent autorun. Now, I almost never reboot the PSP.

January 22nd, 2007, 03:36
I got 1x PSP @ 3.03 OE-B
and the other @ 1.50

best of both worlds I say :cool:

January 22nd, 2007, 03:46
i changed from a native 1.5 to 3.03oe b and everything is perfect. all homebrew works + all the benefits from 3.xx fw and the fact you would not use devhook anymore

sorry for my english :D

January 22nd, 2007, 04:05
Does this new firmware run homebrew, and does it run UMD games that require firmware above 1.5?

Maybe I'll buy a PSP game for the first time sense this thing came out, so far I've only used it for homebrew and lumines

January 22nd, 2007, 04:19
All psp fans out there!!!!! U should upgrade from 1.5-3.03oeb cause is !!!PERFECT!!! 99% of all 1.5 homebrew is supported!! & psx (PSone) games is playable :) & many things that can custom your psp is supported!!!!

January 22nd, 2007, 04:25
Ok, i'm convinced, but what should i install first? I currently have 1.5 installed, should i jump directly to 3.03 or do i have to do it in steps? :confused:

like 1.5 -> 2.71 -> 3.03

help me out please.

January 22nd, 2007, 04:47
Ok, i'm convinced, but what should i install first? I currently have 1.5 installed, should i jump directly to 3.03 or do i have to do it in steps? :confused:

like 1.5 -> 2.71 -> 3.03

help me out please.

Glad to see you are going to join us. Its really easy. You can go straight to 3.03 but must install 3.03 OE-A before patching it to OE-B. If you are at 1.50 currently just do the following:

1.) Upgrade to 3.03 OE-A


2.) Run the updater to bring it to 3.03 OE-B

You don't need to upgrade to 3.03 OE-A2. You can go right from 3.03 OE-A to 3.03 OE-B.

So you'll go from 1.50 -> 3.03 OE-A -> 3.03 OE-B

Its not as scary as it sounds. Just follow the README's..... Hope this helps make it a little less confusing.

(BTW) if wraggster, the man himself even took the plunge, you know its good.... And it is!

January 22nd, 2007, 05:15
Thanks for the assurance :) i'm keeping my fingers crossed :D

Upgrading PSP...

January 22nd, 2007, 05:21
upgrading to a new firmware is nerve racking. i upgraded just a little while ago and it was a long few minutes upgrading the firmware, but it was completely worth it. in my opinion, it was only worth it to do the firmware 3.02 and not the 2.71. all you guys out there that think that having a virgin 1.5 is better than using the system to its fullest, i know how you feel, but hey, gotta take risks and experience what you can on a machine that you paid a heap of money for. You can do it! haha

January 22nd, 2007, 06:39
I just upgraded to 3.03 oe-b. Can someone tell me If I need to have a ps3 to get psx games on the psp. Or point me to a guide somewhere. Many thanks! :thumbup:

January 22nd, 2007, 07:32
its more 95% of things that do work
the only thing I was pissed that didnt work was wifi jukebox >:|

January 22nd, 2007, 08:23

Hey guys, I've been hugging my 3.03 oe-B tightly for so long now, I'm out of the loop with downgrading etc.

A friend of mine has recently got a new PSP and I wanna help him out. I've confirmed it's a TA-082, and it's currently running 2.71, so...

All I need to do is - Hen-D then Downgrade to 1.50?

I wanna get it right, and not brick it on him :)


January 22nd, 2007, 09:37

Hey guys, I've been hugging my 3.03 oe-B tightly for so long now, I'm out of the loop with downgrading etc.

A friend of mine has recently got a new PSP and I wanna help him out. I've confirmed it's a TA-082, and it's currently running 2.71, so...

All I need to do is - Hen-D then Downgrade to 1.50?

I wanna get it right, and not brick it on him :)


Upgrade his PSP to firmware 2.80 and then use the new downgrader by fanjita & crew over at www.noobz.eu.

The reason for this is that it has a bunch of fixes and it is a safer downgrader. Also, it was developed in cooperation with Dark_AleX so you know its quality. Not like fanjita or noobz need to prove themselves or anything.

January 22nd, 2007, 09:45
I just wanted to say thanks to you guys for prodding me to move to 3.03 OE-B. I like it so far!

January 22nd, 2007, 11:39
Upgrade his PSP to firmware 2.80 and then use the new downgrader by fanjita & crew over at www.noobz.eu.

The reason for this is that it has a bunch of fixes and it is a safer downgrader. Also, it was developed in cooperation with Dark_AleX so you know its quality. Not like fanjita or noobz need to prove themselves or anything.

Thanks mate! :thumbup:

Awesome, will do that then. Yer, ofcourse I trust anything by Dark Alex & Co :)

3.03 oe-B rocks, it really does take the best of everything, and doesn't intrude or take over at all. Love it.

I just wanted to say thanks to you guys for prodding me to move to 3.03 OE-B. I like it so far!

I was glad to see it still runs Quake fine :D lol

January 22nd, 2007, 11:54
if we update to 3.03 OE-B
does that mean we cant run any more 1.5 apps?

January 22nd, 2007, 11:56
if we update to 3.03 OE-B
does that mean we cant run any more 1.5 apps?

Quite the opposite. You can run both 1.0 and 1.5 homebrew.

January 22nd, 2007, 14:25
i think i updated once from 1.5, that was to play smackdown vs raw 06 (2.5 upgrade) and i thought i was doomed. so i sold that psp and bought a 2.0 and downgraded. the wen the 2.5/2.6 downgrader came about the person i sold the old psp too didnt want it anymore so i bought it back from him at a really cheap price and downgraded. then both stayed at 1.5 until 3.02 OE was released!

Havent gone bck since!!!!! Long live Dark_alex!!!!

January 22nd, 2007, 16:54
My PSP was 2.01 when I bought it last June. I was so pissed at that firmware and it wasn't until two months later I could downgrade it to 1.50.

I had that firmware for months before I heard about 2.71 SE. It was called the new golden firmware, but I stayed at 1.50 until SE-B came out, with something new and big.

Since that I have been upgrading to the newest available custom firmware and been extraordinary pleased.

I know there are quite few left at lower firmwares now, but to you: Upgrade today, you will never go back!

And congratulations to you, wraggster, for taking the plunge. =)

January 23rd, 2007, 16:01
Just took the plunge too - 1.5 to 3.03OEA then OEB using the easy installer from klmsoftware to do the 3.03 OEA install...

After checking all the threads to do with it and making sure it wasn't a bricker, anymore...

Now to work out the best way to convert my PS1 games - do I HAVE to buy a game off of PS3Station to get POPStation to work?

cancer scabies
January 25th, 2007, 16:18

my psp is still a virgin jap 1.0 .. at the minute i just use it for the excellent cps2 and mvs emulators but seeing as i have a shelf of psx imports i am quite keen to upgrade to this new firmware....
what do i need to download and what do i need to do to get it on the newest dark alex firmware...
thanks in advance