View Full Version : Wii DVD Tool by Erant

January 24th, 2007, 19:53
Erant has released a new program for the PC to connect your Wii to it:

Heres some info:

The DVD Tool usage is fairly simple, to read from memory, type
./dvdtool -s -r
So, if you wanted to read 0x40 bytes from 0x8000 (main memory start), you'd type
./dvdtool -s 0x40 -r 0x8000
The file argument is an optional argument for reading, if no valid file is specified,
the output is a formatted output to stdout. The -s argument is also an optional argument,
not specifying it will assume a default of 0x20 bytes.

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January 25th, 2007, 01:04
what the hell does that mean.

January 25th, 2007, 01:12
It probably means it can dump Wii games to the computer.

January 26th, 2007, 14:43
I don't get it.. I cant find any info of what it does... Is this because I'm not a programmer?

January 28th, 2007, 22:30
It probably means it can dump Wii games to the computer.

same thinking here

April 16th, 2007, 13:27
Is this that Serial and printer (LPT) port mod for the wii? If so how the hell do u get this thing to work, where exactly are you typing ./dvdtool -s -r is this application for windows, linux, MAC?

April 16th, 2007, 13:41
The problem is that all that the post did was take some info from the Readme and dumped it without explaining it a bit.

What you need to do is solder a serial port onto your Wii and then connect your PC to the Wii via that serial port. Once that's done, you can use this tool.

So if

1) You don't know how to or don't want to solder components to your Wii


2) Have no idea what the hex codes mean or understand how to read/write to/from memory

then this isn't overly useful for you.

In effect, this is a development tool - it's not an app designed to to rip/burn Wii "backups".

April 16th, 2007, 13:54
Ok, how exactly do you use it... Do u use command prompt by any chance? If so I tried it and nothing happens.

April 16th, 2007, 14:27
That's because you haven't modded your Wii how the documentation states and your PC isn't connected to your Wii through this connection.

This is unfortunately a tool where "if you don't understand what the instructions say, you probably shouldn't be using it".

Take a look at the readme file in the archive.

April 16th, 2007, 14:34
I was going to solder the serial and printer ports, but first I wanted the file (to see what it is all about, but it says that '.' is not recognized) Is this dvdtool file supposed to be an exe because I tried it both ways, as an EXE I get an error (probably because the wii isn't connected through LPT right).

April 16th, 2007, 14:58
The "./dvdtool" command is the Unix/Linux/Mac command line syntax. "." means "current directory".

If you're going to run it in Windows, open a command prompt, browse to directory that dvdtool is in and just run "dvdtool <all the other options>" and it should work. Simply drop the "./" for Windows.

April 26th, 2007, 18:45
The "./dvdtool" command is the Unix/Linux/Mac command line syntax. "." means "current directory".

If you're going to run it in Windows, open a command prompt, browse to directory that dvdtool is in and just run "dvdtool <all the other options>" and it should work. Simply drop the "./" for Windows.

is this meaning you can dump your wii memory if so can you also dump the firmware? and replace it bij other firmware on let me say a bricked wii???