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View Full Version : Anyone for a Doom game?

January 25th, 2007, 15:44
Me and two others have decided on making a game from Doom with new monsters textures and sprite, weapons, ect. So far we haven't much accomplished anything ( We made the group yesterday) but only a few levels that I transferred from my previous "Doom Builder" obsession. Problem: We dont have a good sprite artist. I may be able to make items and some weapons, but enemies are out of my league. Here are some positions that probably MUST BE FILLED if we would be able to continue this project:

-Level Designers (At least 3)
-Items and Weapons spriters (Hopefully 3, at least 1)
-Enemies Artist (Pending Number, more then 2)
-Glitch Repair (I may have made a few maps, but there are very glitchy :( )
-Music Artist (Optional, hopefully in Midi Format)

There are other positions, but I hope this could get off to a good start. :D

Thanks for support,

-Doom Zero Team

January 26th, 2007, 00:45
hmm intresting...Well as much as i would like to see a NEW doom i would really like CS(counter-Strike) cuz i have beaten Doom1 and 2 like so much times =P

*edit* and maybe like make it online just like PVP pong! lols ;)

January 26th, 2007, 04:10
hmmm i duno bout doom... its not my kinda game (but i know most ppl love it) i would like to see a mod made off quake I or something thats like futuristic or halo mod or something like that... i duno... doom is a lil old for me (Strictly my opinion of course)

March 1st, 2007, 05:16
is this project still open? I use to be a pretty good Doom mapper, http://www.doomwadstation.com/2007/ripdm/

and I can also do Dehacked for really cool weapons and effects.

*edit* and maybe like make it online just like PVP pong! lols ;)

Thanks :)

March 1st, 2007, 07:09
so are you just making your own custom WAD?

Ive tried running custom wads on my psp and they didnt seem to work. i probably just needed to rename them or something but cool. i would like to help but ive never tried anything like this.

April 5th, 2007, 17:57
is this project still open? I use to be a pretty good Doom mapper, http://www.doomwadstation.com/2007/ripdm/

and I can also do Dehacked for really cool weapons and effects.

Thanks :)

Heck yeah its open, and yeah I need someone like you who can do stuff like that. Can ya help?

Also, In really restate the need for some GFX images for the game...