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View Full Version : A few questions, pretty much anything recent in the scene.

January 25th, 2007, 22:33
Okay, the homebrew scene has gotten rather hectic lately. For a long while, during my hiatus, the scene looked like it was going to die. With all the new custom firmwares, POPstation, and new downgraders, the scene obviously doesn't have the fear of death hanging over it.

Well, while I was gone, things got complicated, flashing the PSP yourself, several firmware versions of homebrew launchable on one firmware, etc. I definetly got left behind in the dust.

So I have a few questions for anyone who knows what they're talking about.

1) What's the deal with flashing the PSP? What's good in doing it, and what can be done? How can you screw up your PSP doing this?

2) What is a DATA.PSP and what is it used for?

3) Is it possible to use a Devhook app w/o devhook?

4) What program can you use to make savestates in PSX games? Before I upgrade to 3.03OE-C, I want to make save states of my PSX games so that I can reload them in 3.03OE-C and make new savestates so I can keep my progress.

5) Speaking of POPstation, how can you switch disks in a multi-disc game? And do you have to have the other disc on the memory stick at the time of the switch?

6) For a POPstation EBOOT, is it possible to change the compression rate w/o creating a new EBOOT from the ISO?

I'll probably end up asking more, but if I can figure all of this out, I'll be good ^^

I'd appreciate any help at all, thanks!

January 26th, 2007, 01:23
1) What's the deal with flashing the PSP? What's good in doing it, and what can be done? How can you screw up your PSP doing this?

You can customize your psp with custom gameboot and and coldboot also custom xmb icons and much more you screw it up because it flashes into the psp internal memory which it reads to fun

2) What is a DATA.PSP and what is it used for?


3) Is it possible to use a Devhook app w/o devhook?

Um, I do not recall any other app that lets you emulate a different firmware

4) What program can you use to make savestates in PSX games? Before I upgrade to 3.03OE-C, I want to make save states of my PSX games so that I can reload them in 3.03OE-C and make new savestates so I can keep my progress.

I do not use psx so i can not help you there

5) Speaking of POPstation, how can you switch disks in a multi-disc game? And do you have to have the other disc on the memory stick at the time of the switch?

I know its possible, but i dont remember how

6) For a POPstation EBOOT, is it possible to change the compression rate w/o creating a new EBOOT from the ISO?

I believe so, you can convert a eboot to iso then back again to a compressed eboot

Sorry dude im just not familiar with POPstation maybe someone else can help you