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View Full Version : PSX Emu & Firmwares info.

January 26th, 2007, 14:16
Im not a noob, ive just been out of the scene for a few months and I now see loads and loads of posts on DAX's new firmwares and the PSX emu.

Im still on 1.5v as I only use it to play mainly snes, nes and scummvm games...but all this talk of full speed PS1 talk is making me wonder...

So, if I was, like the wraggster recently, to take the plunge into DAX's latest and greatest....whats the best way to get all my old PSX games up and running? As I know around xmas you needed the 'Hot Shots Golf' file, and that complicated running more than one rom, multi saves etc, you have to convert into NTSC etc.

So, whats a list of the best way to go about it all?