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View Full Version : Firefox and Chrome dip; Internet Explorer rises

November 2nd, 2012, 21:29
Mozilla Firefox has fallen below 20 per cent maket share for a second time in just six months as Internet Explorer sees continued growth.
The statistics released by Net Marketshare (http://netmarketshare.com/) show that both Firefox and Google Chrome suffered during the month of October, which closed with Firefox sitting at 19.99 per cent and Chrome at just 18.55 per cent.
Meanwhile, Internet Explorer's usage has continued to rise, climbing half a point to 54.13 per cent and its highest level since September 2011.
The figures also highlight the continued decline in desktop web browsing.
Whilst not a significant drop by any means, mobile browsers accounted for a 10.3 per cent market share, meaning desktop browsing dropped below the 90 per cent mark and its lowest level of all time.
Of course, this is a trend widely expected considering the growth in popularity and market for tablet, smartphone and other mobile devices.
