View Full Version : Firefox turns eight years old today

November 9th, 2012, 19:21
On November 9th 2004, Mozilla launched the first version of its Firefox web browser.
Firefox was one of the first alternative browsers to really take on Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, and has firmly placed itself within the top browsers used today.
Currently, Firefox is the world’s third most popular browser, behind Internet Explorer and Chrome.
Reminiscing about the launch of Firefox 8 years ago, Mozilla’s blog (http://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2012/11/09/eight-years-of-firefox/)reads: “We had the audacity to believe that we could change things. We believed that a community of people who understood the power of the Web, and who put people above profits, could build something amazing.”
Back to the present day, Mozilla says that it still sticks to its original hopes for the browser: “These days, hundreds of millions of people trust Firefox with their online lives and they encourage their friends and family to do the same. We still put people first and, with the support of our Firefox fans, we drive the Web towards openness and interoperability.”
