View Full Version : Was Gabe Newell right to declare Windows 8 a catastrophe?

November 9th, 2012, 23:22
Windows 8 has not had a smooth launch. Microsoft's fledgling operating system was still in beta when Valve boss Gabe Newell branded it a “catastrophe for everyone in the PC space (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-07-26-gabe-newell-calls-windows-8-a-catastrophe)”. His comments were quickly echoed (http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-07-27-blizzard-gives-thumbs-up-to-newells-windows-8-catastrophe-comment) by World of Warcraft developer Blizzard, while Minecraft creator Notch denounced (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-08-01-steam-on-gnu-linux-do-non-free-drm-games-defeat-the-point) the OS as being “very, very bad for indie developers”.One of the biggest concerns surrounding Windows 8 is its move towards a closed gaming marketplace. Users are now encouraged to buy apps through the Windows Store, an emulation of the iOS App Store model that allows Microsoft to regulate game releases and take a cut of the profit."They've got Apple envy, big style,” co-founder of developer Introversion Software Chris Delay told Eurogamer. “In the past they were the successful ones, but then they sat down and watched while Apple took over. It's left Microsoft looking old and behind the times. They look at Apple and the iOS Store and see the royalties they're taking on this closed platform.”A storefront owned and regulated by Microsoft is something that worries Miles Jacobson, boss of Football Manager developer Sports Interactive."I actually think Gabe might have seen the internal email that I sent here on Windows 8." It was "difficult" to be a seasoned PC developer in a world where Microsoft was no longer welcoming, he added. "Personally I don't think they still want that market to exist,” Jacobson said.
