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View Full Version : Openball - monkeyball clone

February 16th, 2005, 01:13
is that portable??

February 16th, 2005, 03:30
Well at least it's using SDL, but the openGL part will be harder to port on DC and it uses it a lot, and it's using C++, from what i know, only C is easier to port over to Dreamcast, but don't take my word for it, i am in no way a good coder or anything.

February 16th, 2005, 04:14
Ah, I didn't know if C++ was supported.
It's just too bad if it isn't :-[

February 16th, 2005, 04:33
most of c++ is now supported with new toolchain and post 165 svn version of KOS 1.3. The last couple of ports I have done were c++ code.


February 16th, 2005, 10:29
Try Gyroball (from DCEmu Fenix Compilation Vol 1 by Wraggy) its very similiar to this game

February 16th, 2005, 14:36
C++ is possible to port as GPF has said even Kamjin has done a few games in C++ whats impossible to know is if any coder can use OpenGL

February 21st, 2005, 18:40
well I gave it a go, but no luck. Got everything compiling and it appears to be running but as its building a memory representation of the map it runs out of memory. So i dont think this one is possible because of the memory usage.


February 21st, 2005, 23:44
Damn :( Thanks for trying any GPF ;D

February 23rd, 2005, 01:38
... and it appears to be running but as its building a memory representation of the map it runs out of memory. So i dont think this one is possible because of the memory usage.


I need a better understanding of this process myself. I believe using SDL_Surface it seems to allocated 900 kbytes of memory (I can't remember where I got that from) so this is why it's causing this problem. I bring this up because I had this problem with Defendguin if I added another image to the compilation, and now I'm having this issue with Rush 2005. When loading the team data from the team's text file it runs out of memory around the 9th player it loads. I've tried using KOS's imageload functions but it just seems to get to the point of loading the QB of the CPU team then it runs out of memory. I guess the next step is to spend some time looking at how Beats of Rage seems to load images on-the-fly (?i think that's what it's doing) and hope something comes of it, because these memory crashes are a simple pain :D