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View Full Version : Is it possible to install windows media player?

January 29th, 2007, 02:49
I want to see video from the web.
is there a way to install windows midea player on that cuz i these tutorials i need tell me that i ineed to install windows media player.
or for my music as well.. :confused:

January 29th, 2007, 06:44
What do you mean? On a PSP? Because that's quite impossible, though there are plenty of homemade media players out there if you look around.

Side note: After I wrote "What do you mean?" I wanted to write "African or European swallow?" :P

January 29th, 2007, 15:23
juggaleaux, lol

No, you can't install windows media player on the PSP. The best way to watch videos for your PSP is to find one of the transcoding programs that will convert the video to a format the PSP can show.

January 29th, 2007, 15:29