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View Full Version : Motorola Wants 2.25% of Microsoft's Surface Revenue

November 14th, 2012, 13:37
On the opening day of a patent trial (http://www.geekwire.com/2012/week-microsoft-googles-motorola-trial-highstakes-patent-case/) between Microsoft and Google-owned Motorola Mobility, Motorola filed a brief (http://cdn.geekwire.com/wp-content/uploads/motobrief.pdf?7794fe) (PDF) arguing that the WiFi tech central to the case is also critical to Microsoft's new Surface tablet. Motorola says royalties totaling 2.25% of all Surface revenues is a good starting point (http://www.geekwire.com/2012/motorola-patent-royalties-microsoft-surface/). They wrote, 'Microsoft's new Surface tablet will use only 802.11, instead of cellular or wired connections, to connect to the internet. Without 802.11 capability, the Surface tablet would be unable to compete in the market, because consumers can readily select tablet devices other than the Surface that have 802.11 capability.' Microsoft, of course, says this figure is outrageous, given 'Motorola's promise to standards bodies to offer access to the "standard essential" patents on fair and reasonable terms.
