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View Full Version : EA denies that Origin was hacked

November 15th, 2012, 22:49
EA has denied that it’s online gaming platform, Origin, has been hacked.
According to IGN (http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/11/14/ea-denies-reports-of-origin-hack), a number of rumours surfaced recently after some Origin users reported that they had had their account details stolen. These rumours were wuickly circulated among the tech press and blogosphere.
However, EA has issued a statement denying that their systems have been compromised, with a spokesperson telling press that: “At this point, we have no reason to believe there has been any intrusion into our Origin database.”
Regarding security measures, the software publisher is reported to have said: “For any customer who cannot access their Origin account for any reason, we ask them to please contact Origin Help or EA’s customer experience group at help.ea.com.
“The robust security measures in place to protect Origin users accounts are constantly being expanded and upgraded, and we also strongly recommend customers take the protective steps of using strong passwords and changing passwords often.”
