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View Full Version : 90 per cent of 18-29 year-olds sleep with their phones

November 20th, 2012, 23:26
Forget the love of a good woman, I'd rather snuggle up to a curvaceous Galaxy S III.
The OnlinePsychologyDegree (http://www.onlinepsychologydegree.net/) has delved into the minds of mobile device users to find that usage doesn't decline at bedtime, but rather the opposite as one in three users would rather give up sex than their phone.
With that in mind, 95 per cent of people say they watch TV, text, and browse the web in the hour before they hit the sack, while 90 per cent of 18-29 year-olds sleep with their phone in or right next to their bed.
What's more, 25 per cent of people don't silence their mobiles before bed, so it's probably unsurprising that one in ten say they're disturbed from their slumbers a few times a week by calls, texts and emails.
