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View Full Version : Harrison: I used to envy Xbox Live

November 21st, 2012, 22:42
LGC12: Former SCE Worldwide Studios boss and current Xbox man also details the future of 'New London Studio'

Speaking at today's London Games Conference, Phil Harrison, corporate Vice President at Microsoft EMEA, has admitted that over the past decade, which includes his tenure at Sony, he often envied those involved with Xbox Live.
He revealed his feelings during the keynote at the event, in a presentation titled 'Building the Future of Entertainment'.

"For a large period of the last ten years I've been very envious of Xbox Live," confessed the former president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, who has to date been with Microsoft for some six months. "It's a great way of creating engagement with players."
While Sony's PlayStation Network is increasingly successful, it has never managed to trump Microsoft's online gaming service Xbox Live, which currently sees up to 442 million hours of entertainment consumed in a single week.
Harrison also devoted much of his time on stage to Microsoft's relationship with its fist-party games development studios, revealing that in overseeing both Rare and Lionhead, he: "feels like I'm guarding two of the crown jewels of UK games development."
