View Full Version : A Dummies Guide to Fenix and Coding for it

April 12th, 2005, 01:51
any experts fancy writing tutorials to help newcomers etc into the world of Fenix coding on DC

April 13th, 2005, 00:57
I don't think I'm an expert in Fenix, but I'm going to start a Fenix tutorial so everyone can code on the DC. Now that there is a topic for it... I want to ask people who wants to learn... what do you want to learn exactly? I have to start explaining for example what variables are? or maybe starting from data types... or people only want a command reference? please let me know... I'm sure that the starting point should be the harder part of it :cool:

April 13th, 2005, 19:34
Well, if someone's willing to write up about it, I'd certainly read it, I'd love to have a go when I get some more free time.

Why is it I'm always attracted to topics with dummy in the title?

April 15th, 2005, 00:23
Good question, but I think I've got you beat there. What exactly is Fenix?

April 16th, 2005, 00:14
Fenix is a high level programming language. For example you can put an image on the screen in only one line of code. The problem of this kind of interpreters (don't "talk directly" to the processors, they are "translating" easier code) is the speed, and with Fenix we have also problems with the ram. Another problem is that uses some kind of software render, so making games in high reslutions (more than 320x240) requires a very fast processor because the main processor does video things. It has it's problems, ok, but anyways is a very easy to learn language and is a great starting point to anyone who wants to be a game developer (or maybe for a hobbyst, why not :p ?).