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View Full Version : D2X-XL v1.16.15

November 28th, 2012, 14:18
via http://www.aep-emu.de/

D2X-XL (http://www.descent2.de/) is an OpenGL-port of Descent II (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Descent_II).
Supported platforms are Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

updates since last AEP reported release 1.16.3:

Fixed: Static particle effects didn´t work anymore

Fixed: This time, D2X-XL simply removed all robot makers from a level when loading it ... ;-)

Fixed: D2X-XL still didn´t always process robot makers properly (because the amateurs from Parallax have stored improper robot maker data in their levels and have implemented an overly complicated and inconsistently handled robot maker to segment relation ship)

Fixed: Players, guidebot and robots could get stuck in a narrow passage in D2:CS level 12 (actually a problem with broken level geometry in that place)
Fixed: The thief stole builtin equipment and weapons
Changed: Made the thief messages brighter
Changed: The ´built in headlight´ switch has been removed from the gameplay options menu; use the player loadout menu instead to add a headlight to player ships
Improved: D2X-XL will now generally seed the random generator (http://www.squish.net/generator/) with 32 bit random values (using the elapsed time [ms] since program start)
Improved: In D2X-XL levels thieves will also steal ammo racks (excess weapons and ammo will be dropped into the level)

Fixed: Weapon information wasn´t always reliably transmitted in multiplayer games

Fixed: The program crashed when robots fired at the player in Pumo´s Kartsal demo level 3 (and probably in other levels, too)
Fixed: Powerup and robot drop probabilities were (a bit) too low
Fixed: Huge custom models popped in and out of sight when the standard collision model was enabled
Fixed: Robot maker info still wasn´t always processed properly
Changed: The ´spaniard´ cheat will not destroy static, undestructable objects anymore

Improved: The wireframe of special segment will always be fully rendered in the wireframe automap
Improved: Geometry collision detection should work better now

Fixed: Robot maker info wasn´t always processed correctly
Fixed: Descent 1 rendered exit sequences went out of sync
Fixed: Bump forces in player - robot collisions were too low
Fixed: Bump force calculation for the advanced collision model was only half correct

Fixed: D2X-XL didn´t always find and use all robot makers present in a level

Fixed: Theft messages often were incomplete
Fixed: The screen flickered when returning from a secret level
Fixed: The reactor countdown didn´t stop when entering a level teleporter after having destroyed the reactor
Fixed: The program crashed when the player died while a menu was open
Fixed: Bumping into robots didn´t inflict any damage to the player ship

Fixed: Basic lighting information wasn´t properly processed
Fixed: Post-level briefings were affected by the mine flashing effect of the countdown sequence
Fixed: When the player died in a secret level, instead of showing the ´return to level ...´ message the screen started to flicker

Fixed: Credits that were rendered after finishing a mission weren´t visible on the screen