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View Full Version : Gears of war cheaters

February 1st, 2007, 14:02
I'm working on a article for a news post about cheaters using glitches in gears to win.

i was playing mansion last night and this guy keep getting "out of map" so that we kept drawing with them. Memories of the cheating in halo 2 game flooding back.

Ok its not that bad, but Gears has only been out for a 2 months now, its still early days.

there are tons of glitches for Gears, check out this site

but most are impractical to be an advantage for ranked games. I want to narrow down the ones that are, and suggest how to combat them, and point them out to Epic so they can fix them in a patch.

ok the ones i have so far

1:Standing roadie run with Shooting

standing roadie run that lets you shoot and move in any direction.

2: Control the camera view when you are dead.

Fly the camera out of the map or to anywhere you want. Spy on the other team or fly away to outer space (only when dead)

as i said there is an easy way to get out of mansion with using the hammerburst, but i can get any info about it online.

If you know of more please post a reply

February 1st, 2007, 14:48
Yeah I was playing ranked a few weeks ago at the Fuel Depot and these guys on the other team would do the glitch where you could go under ground from inside the warehouse. They would just sit down there so the game would end in a draw.

I also know that its possible to turn invisible on the fuel depot and there are some levels where you can glitch your way to unlimited frag grenades.

February 1st, 2007, 15:44
What I love in GEARS is when a hacker runs and shoots at the same time. Pull out the chainsaw and you've got a massacre. Its also fun to shoot them with a shotgun they keep flying when they're dead :D

February 1st, 2007, 15:47
What I love in GEARS is when a hacker runs and shoots at the same time.

thats not a hack, thats a glitch, anyone can do it

If you guys see any guides for theses glitches will you point them out to me