View Full Version : topsXMBtheme

February 1st, 2007, 17:04
Well I got bored last night and decided to spice up my XMB.Cuase with the top menu and font I had it was totally boring.So I searched for fonts, icons and the right background. Well heres what I've created with what I found. I liked what I made so I've decided to share it with everyone. Heres a pic of it

Heres how your going to want to install it:
Personally I use psp filer instead of the USB flash0 because I don't trust using USB flash0. But anyways flash these however your used to flashing them doesn't matter how you flash them.Just be cautious when doing this I don't want anyone to brick. Make sure you have atleast 410kb (or enough to flash these) of free space on your flash0 memory as this is the files total size when flashed.

Ok first take the 01-12 bmp and flash it to flash0: vsh/resource

Then take the ltn0.pgf and place it in flash0: font

For the topmenu_plugin.rco take the included icons and make them into a topmenu plugin with the XMB packager and flash it to flash0: vsh/resource

If anyone needs help to install this let me know and I'll help you. I hope you enjoy my new XMB. You can download it from here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/r1exj7

I would like to thank deliriumhappy of QJ.net forums for the background and Chnk for the icon pack I got my icons from. I made the font so I will thank myself:p
OK I decided to upload it to the forums to make it easier for you guys to download it. I will keep the sendspace link up in case people have problem downloading from the forums.
Since a few people have ask for the font to be smaller here it is if you want it
Green, Red and Purple backgrounds (flashable):
dwonload bacgrounds here:

February 1st, 2007, 17:14
tophead420, that's the best theme I've seen so far! Too bad Sony can't/won't learn a lesson from this though and make the XMB appearance fully customizable from the next firmware natively.

Any ways, I'll be loading this up on mine in no time.:thumbup:

February 1st, 2007, 17:17
ya i just took the font from it hehe.

February 1st, 2007, 17:19
tophead420, that's the best theme I've seen so far! Too bad Sony can't/won't learn a lesson from this though and make the XMB appearance fully customizable from the next firmware natively.

Any ways, I'll be loading this up on mine in no time.:thumbup:

Thanks man I to have to say it is pretty sick. I let Wally see it on msn last night and he gave it a 9.5/10 lol . But ye thanks man. And you in Tennessee, where at in Tennessee cause I live there to lol.

February 1st, 2007, 17:21
Nice work tophead420, ill be putting this on ASAP.
You need to get it hosted somewhere though because sendspace delete stuff after a while.
best looking set ive seen so far also.

February 1st, 2007, 17:22
Nice work tophead420, ill be putting this on ASAP.
You need to get it hosted somewhere though because sendspace delete stuff after a while.
best looking set ive seen so far also.

Thanks man and they shouldnt delete it cause i have an account :thumbup:
And are you on msn?

February 1st, 2007, 17:34
Nice looking XMB!

February 1st, 2007, 17:40
huuuum everything works but the background i flashed to the flash0/vsh :@ this never works ! anyone know if this is a normal problem or am i missing something ?

February 1st, 2007, 17:42
Just put the background in the photo folder and set it as the wallpaper

February 1st, 2007, 17:48
huuuum everything works but the background i flashed to the flash0/vsh :@ this never works ! anyone know if this is a normal problem or am i missing something ?
go to theme settings and set your theme to original

Just put the background in the photo folder and set it as the wallpaper
If its not flashed you wont get the wavy lines. It still looks good without the wavy lines but much better if its flashed

February 1st, 2007, 17:49
awsome thanks mate :D

February 1st, 2007, 17:56
Nice looking XMB!

thanks man

awsome thanks mate :D

Hey no problem man. Im surprised people like it :p But thanks for liking it.

February 1st, 2007, 18:01
it is ...nice

but you should give credit for the files you used.

February 1st, 2007, 18:08
it is ...nice

but you should give credit for the files you used.

Yes true will do now.

February 1st, 2007, 18:19
Hi guys I have problem to install top menu XMB icons to Flash0 any one can help me with step-by-step instruction how to do that?

February 1st, 2007, 18:23
Is there a program like PSP Filer 2.8 in english, cuz.... I need that.

February 1st, 2007, 18:25
Just put the background in the photo folder and set it as the wallpaper

Thatz just plain lame lol, why save it to background and take up more Flash space, when you can just flash a new 01-12.bmp to flash0 thats a uber smal file size.

amkes more sence to me

February 1st, 2007, 18:27
Is there a program like PSP Filer 2.8 in english, cuz.... I need that.

PSP filer has English. When you start it up push select the O to change the language to English.

Thatz just plain lame lol, why save it to background and take up more Flash space, when you can just flash a new 01-12.bmp to flash0 thats a uber smal file size.

amkes more sence to me

Actually my background for this is 104kb and its only one background. Reason for it being so big is it has to be larger then 60x34 (mines is 250x142) to improve the resolution on the background

February 1st, 2007, 18:29
The XMB customisations are well good.

February 1st, 2007, 18:32
Well I feel noobish, thanks man, putting it on now.

February 1st, 2007, 18:35
Well I feel noobish, thanks man, putting it on now.

Hey no problem man. mak sure you have the space to flash it. I need to edit the post on the front page with this. I knew I was forgetting something.

February 1st, 2007, 18:37
Hey no problem man. mak sure you have the space to flash it. I need to edit the post on the front page with this. I knew I was forgetting something.
I have like 500kb of free space, i do think im going to need a sep by step though, not sure how to flash it.

February 1st, 2007, 18:43
I have like 500kb of free space, i do think im going to need a sep by step though, not sure how to flash it.

you have msn I will help you out. I'll walk you through the install

February 1st, 2007, 18:46
you have msn I will help you out. I'll walk you through the install
[email protected]

February 1st, 2007, 18:53
OK man I have you added to my msn just get on and I'll help you out.

February 1st, 2007, 19:00
And you in Tennessee, where at in Tennessee cause I live there to lol.

In Murfreesboro, just outside of Nashville.

February 1st, 2007, 19:13
sweet worked great u should do this all the time great theme:D

February 1st, 2007, 19:22
In Murfreesboro, just outside of Nashville. Sweet I live in Portland its like an hour or so from where you are.

sweet worked great u should do this all the time great theme:D

Lol thanks man I might make some more themes like this one. I might make different colors of this one :thumbup:

February 1st, 2007, 19:31
hey tophead420 i got it all to work via 3.03 oe-c flash0 usb in the recovery console lolz im lazy newayz my problem is the 01-12.bmp i need the 72kp original if u got it handy and the 01-12.bmp that u supplied when i wrote it to flash0/resource and wrote over my original i forgot to back it up :P also it displays a bright white screen im guessing i either did it wrong for the bmp file or jus got it messed up plz help

February 1st, 2007, 19:31
I would download but I like my theme I have got now.

February 1st, 2007, 19:44
Im Really interested in your Theme, it looks awesome but i havint got a clue as how to install it, maybe you could help me please?

my AIM is : Ubermrducky

And i also have a MSN but its my sisters but ill be signed in with it later, so i can tell you the email address of it.

February 1st, 2007, 19:44
hey tophead420 i got it all to work via 3.03 oe-c flash0 usb in the recovery console lolz im lazy newayz my problem is the 01-12.bmp i need the 72kp original if u got it handy and the 01-12.bmp that u supplied when i wrote it to flash0/resource and wrote over my original i forgot to back it up :P also it displays a bright white screen im guessing i either did it wrong for the bmp file or jus got it messed up plz help

ok ill send you the original 01-12.bmp. And to fix the white screen go to theme and set it to original, that should fix it.

And Jormugand ye send me your msn cuz i only use msn lol I'll help you set it up

February 1st, 2007, 20:02
dude if i posted my pack in the pspnews section would it been on the front page of the dcemu site too?

February 1st, 2007, 20:23
dude if i posted my pack in the pspnews section would it been on the front page of the dcemu site too?

Ye I would say it probably would, but post it in the Submit News forum. As long as it doesn't contain anything illegal. And thanks for the icon pack man, and who's icons am I using I'd like to give them credit where it is deserved.

February 1st, 2007, 20:24
This is a really awesome theme, tophead420! Actually the best I have seen so far! I'm gonna flash it as soon as I can. The flash USB option in 3.03 OE-C is so convenient for stuff like this. :)

I hope you put together more great themes in the future.

February 1st, 2007, 20:31
This is a really awesome theme, tophead420! Actually the best I have seen so far! I'm gonna flash it as soon as I can. The flash USB option in 3.03 OE-C is so convenient for stuff like this. :)

I hope you put together more great themes in the future.

Hey thanks man. I'm thinking of making more themes since people seem to like this one. And if anyone likes my theme but want a different color backgound just PM me and I'll get the background to you as soon as I can.

February 1st, 2007, 20:33
And you in Tennessee, where at in Tennessee cause I live there to lol.

im in knoxville.

February 1st, 2007, 20:41
im in knoxville.

I passed through knoxville one time on my way to the Smokies lol.

February 1st, 2007, 21:10
i tore devhook apart and remade my 01-12 lolz thx though for ur reply but i was wonderin could u make this a non wallpaper and make it the default background in flash0 for all months 01 through 12 as id like this as my default with the wavy lines ^^ i like the pic as wallpaper but in flash0 it wont work :P id really apreciate it m8 thx again

February 1st, 2007, 21:16
i tore devhook apart and remade my 01-12 lolz thx though for ur reply but i was wonderin could u make this a non wallpaper and make it the default background in flash0 for all months 01 through 12 as id like this as my default with the wavy lines ^^ i like the pic as wallpaper but in flash0 it wont work :P id really apreciate it m8 thx again

just go to theme settings after you flashed my background and set it to original then go back to theme settings and highlight the theme under original and it will work just fine

February 1st, 2007, 21:22
Ok the Email is
[email protected]
Talk to me ASAP

February 1st, 2007, 21:28
I passed through knoxville one time on my way to the Smokies lol.

hmm so what part on tn are you from?

February 1st, 2007, 21:30
Ok the Email is
[email protected]
Talk to me ASAP
ok I'm adding you now

hmm so what part on tn are you from?
I live in Portland its north of Nashville.

February 1st, 2007, 21:31
k that fixed it i must have corrupted it on last flash :P my bad thx dude i love the pic U ROCK

February 1st, 2007, 21:37
k that fixed it i must have corrupted it on last flash :P my bad thx dude i love the pic U ROCK

Hey no problem man and thanks but its not by background I just foramtted it to be flashed. I also found some other icons That look like they would go good with it I'll try them when I get the time and post a pic of it

February 1st, 2007, 21:37
OMG sick theme dude this rocks =D

February 1st, 2007, 21:42
OMG sick theme dude this rocks =D
Lol thanks I've heard that alot today. I'm really glad people like it. :thumbup:

February 1st, 2007, 22:25
Tophead420, glad to see you XMB is so popular, you should defietly start putting some more of these together, ive been spreading the word about and people would defo like others to go with these.
Give me a shout laters bro!

February 1st, 2007, 22:31
k im back ok to all 3.03 oe-c users this works in recovery mode when enabling flash0 usb jus like how the initial way to do it in the xmb but make sure u folow top's reply to me to make it original in themes settings after copying this to flash0/resource folder and replacing 01-12.bmp well hope that helps all 3.03 oe-c users l8tr'z

February 1st, 2007, 22:36
I like the theme. I tried it, but I decided to go back to original font. The custom one is just a little too large for my liking. I'm keeping the background and the icons though. Keep up the great work; it has really impressed me. Thanks again!!!

February 1st, 2007, 22:42
Tophead420, glad to see you XMB is so popular, you should defietly start putting some more of these together, ive been spreading the word about and people would defo like others to go with these.
Give me a shout laters bro!

You mean other versions of this theme or just totally different themes cause I can do both. I have to get off here for a sec so my mom can use the phone but I'll be back on in a few just hit me up I'll be on msn

I like the theme. I tried it, but I decided to go back to original font. The custom one is just a little too large for my liking. I'm keeping the background and the icons though. Keep up the great work; it has really impressed me. Thanks again!!!
i have the font in a smaller size if you'd like it i can sent it to you

February 1st, 2007, 23:01
hey top's can i have a copy of the smaller font to plz

February 1st, 2007, 23:03
hey top's can i have a copy of the smaller font to plz

Ye sure Its the same font just smaller check your PMs
Imma get off here for a while Guys if you need help just PM me and I'll gt back to you ASAP

February 1st, 2007, 23:45
i love your xmb theme but the font looks horrible in the browser. can someone tell me how to change the fonts back? well actually, can you send me a copy of those smaller fonts too? just wanna try it out to see if it makes any different. i keep the rest cause they pwn.

February 1st, 2007, 23:59
i love your xmb theme but the font looks horrible in the browser. can someone tell me how to change the fonts back? well actually, can you send me a copy of those smaller fonts too? just wanna try it out to see if it makes any different. i keep the rest cause they pwn.

Check your PMs.

February 2nd, 2007, 00:18
Tophead, i love this, but can u im me on msn or something? YOu should really put a msn on your info thing. I need some files that i can't create. Thx, btw, i love the theme.

February 2nd, 2007, 00:43
I have to get off here for a sec so my mom can use the phone

people still use dial up??? total dedication (& nice theme!)

February 2nd, 2007, 00:50
This is awesome ill definatly use this but I predict that the font will be too big for me to. Id love it if you could PM me with it.

February 2nd, 2007, 00:57
people still use dial up??? total dedication (& nice theme!)
It's just like saying some people still use Playstation (not 2/3). I mean, faster or newer isn't always better. I don't have dial-up anymore but i mean, it made me gain weight along with me just gaining weight since i am growing. I mean, with dial-up, u download a file and go outside, Shoot some hoops, play catch, etc and then come back inside and then it's done. I mean, i wouldn't go back but there's nothing wrong with it.

Inside my toybox . . .

February 2nd, 2007, 01:09
Ye sure Its the same font just smaller check your PMs
Imma get off here for a while Guys if you need help just PM me and I'll gt back to you ASAP

Hey can you send me a copy of it? Love the theme by the way. Any chance on some submenu icons too? :)

February 2nd, 2007, 01:18
Hi guys, I have problem to install top menu XMB icons to Flash0, any one can help me with step-by-step instruction how to do that?

February 2nd, 2007, 01:19
Getting somewhat of a problem on I flashed everything correctly, and it appear like everything is fine. Except a few icons under "network", "game", and "photo" are missing, there still accessible but it would be nice to fix. Did this happen to anyone else, if so please state how to fix it =P

February 2nd, 2007, 01:58
Tophead, i love this, but can u im me on msn or something? YOu should really put a msn on your info thing. I need some files that i can't create. Thx, btw, i love the theme.
Ye my msn is [email protected] and glad you like my theme

people still use dial up??? total dedication (& nice theme!)
Yes people still do use dial lmao. I cant get dsl or cable where I live and if I was to get it it would cost more then its worth

It's just like saying some people still use Playstation (not 2/3). I mean, faster or newer isn't always better. I don't have dial-up anymore but i mean, it made me gain weight along with me just gaining weight since i am growing. I mean, with dial-up, u download a file and go outside, Shoot some hoops, play catch, etc and then come back inside and then it's done. I mean, i wouldn't go back but there's nothing wrong with it.

Inside my toybox . . .

Ye true that, true that

Hey can you send me a copy of it? Love the theme by the way. Any chance on some submenu icons too? :)
Well I didnt make the icons but I would love to have sub menu icons to match these If anyone knows how to do this and that could make sub icons to match these please contact me

And if anyone wants the smaller font its on the first post

EDIT: WOW this theme works wonders its bringing people to my forums lmao sweet

February 2nd, 2007, 02:30
Getting somewhat of a problem on I flashed everything correctly, and it appear like everything is fine. Except a few icons under "network", "game", and "photo" are missing, there still accessible but it would be nice to fix. Did this happen to anyone else, if so please state how to fix it =P

Did you select 3.02 as the firmware revision of Topmenu_plugin.rco?

If not, then you'd have missing icons.

February 2nd, 2007, 02:43
Did you select 3.02 as the firmware revision of Topmenu_plugin.rco?

If not, then you'd have missing icons.

No actually completely forgot about that lol. Umm which tool was it again that was best to make rco plugins?

February 2nd, 2007, 02:47
XMB Packager. Can get it here:


February 2nd, 2007, 02:47
No actually completely forgot about that lol. Umm which tool was it again that was best to make rco plugins?
GO here and use this . This is what i used on my icons


February 2nd, 2007, 02:50
Thanks a lot Top head =]


Just re-did using the program you gave me, and my web browser icon is still missing, along with the location free player icon, everything is bad other than that. I can live w/o these icons but its really nice to have it =P

February 2nd, 2007, 02:57
Thanks a lot Top head =] hey no problem. If i start making more themes Imma call myself Team Theme lmao:p :p :p :p :p

EDIT: is there any one who can make a flasher or can link me to one for my themes if there is please contact me ASAP

February 2nd, 2007, 04:42
lmao i uploaded this to QJ and the totally thought it changed the XMB to a vertical theme, what ever that means lol but I looked at how many times it was downloaded cause I was curious and it was like 2,000 lmao thats crazy

shoothim now
February 2nd, 2007, 06:11
i like

February 2nd, 2007, 07:09
Sweet I live in Portland its like an hour or so from where you are.

Hell yeah, that's not even that far away.. So that's I think 4 people I know of in TN from the DCEMU.

Lol thanks man I might make some more themes like this one. I might make different colors of this one :thumbup:

A green one, a red one, and a dark purple one! Those would be sweet.

February 2nd, 2007, 07:13
Hell yeah, that's not even that far away.. So that's I think 4 people I know of in TN from the DCEMU.

A green one, a red one, and a dark purple one! Those would be sweet.

lol sweet, Hey I can get those Colors id say , I have the backgrounds in different colors just need to be resized and changed to bmps

February 2nd, 2007, 07:20
You should probably mention that you take no responsibility for etc, etc.. Nice theme though.

February 2nd, 2007, 07:21
lol sweet, Hey I can get those Colors id say , I have the backgrounds in different colors just need to be resized and changed to bmps

:D This is going to look great.

February 2nd, 2007, 09:28
VERY NICE! putting on my psp now.

February 2nd, 2007, 09:31
You should probably mention that you take no responsibility for etc, etc.. Nice theme though.

i doubt anyone'll fu*k up their psp and ask to be reimbursed, lol

February 2nd, 2007, 14:46
JUst to let yo guys know i released this theme on QJ and several people reported they bricked lmao ITs not my fault though they didnt read the read me. But you guys here at DCemu are much smarter and acually know what your doing. Im glad noone has bricked from DCemu who has tried this. Good job guys

EDIT: the_eternal_dark I have those different color backgrounds resized and coverted to bmps uploading now and adding to first post

EDIT: Heres why I like the DCemu community better. Just look at this where I posted this on QJ.net
Link: http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-mods-media-18/t-topsxmbtheme-93313.html
DCemu is a much better and more positive community and I thank you guys for being positive.

February 2nd, 2007, 16:57
hi im running 2.71 on my psp and i have no idea how change my theme. if any one could help

February 2nd, 2007, 17:35
Sevenpointbuck7 - to change the XMB theme go to Settings, Theme Settings and then Theme to change it. It also has the option to display a cusom wallpaper if one has been chosen from the Photo menu.

February 2nd, 2007, 19:07
I need sum one who's good with photoshop. please pm me if your good with photoshop

February 2nd, 2007, 20:06
i ment to use that them that tophead made

February 2nd, 2007, 21:33
JUst to let yo guys know i released this theme on QJ and several people reported they bricked lmao ITs not my fault though they didnt read the read me. But you guys here at DCemu are much smarter and acually know what your doing. Im glad noone has bricked from DCemu who has tried this. Good job guys

EDIT: the_eternal_dark I have those different color backgrounds resized and coverted to bmps uploading now and adding to first post

EDIT: Heres why I like the DCemu community better. Just look at this where I posted this on QJ.net
Link: http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-mods-media-18/t-topsxmbtheme-93313.html
DCemu is a much better and more positive community and I thank you guys for being positive.

Hell yeah, checking that out now.

That's QJ for you though.

*edit* tophead, The green and purple look great, I haven't yet tried the red yet though.

February 2nd, 2007, 22:17
Hell yeah, checking that out now.

That's QJ for you though.

*edit* tophead, The green and purple look great, I haven't yet tried the red yet though.

Ye i know . I wont put anything else on QJ even if i decide to start coding. And glad to hear you like the backgrounds but remeber i just rezsized them and made them into bmp's thats it delirium happy gets credit for making them lol Hey did you get snow in murfresboro? lmao i know i didnt spell that right

February 2nd, 2007, 22:32
Im using psp filer and i flashed the backgrounds alright, but im having problems with the icons. I got them on but for some reason its messed the rest of my icons up like my camera icon is usb, my rss feed is network setting. Anyone got a solution to this. Plus i cant seem to get the font on. Great theme btw keep up the good work tophead.

February 2nd, 2007, 22:37
Im using psp filer and i flashed the backgrounds alright, but im having problems with the icons. I got them on but for some reason its messed the rest of my icons up like my camera icon is usb, my rss feed is network setting. Anyone got a solution to this. Plus i cant seem to get the font on. Great theme btw keep up the good work tophead.

reason you have those icons is that your using an older version of the topmenu generater find a newer version

February 2nd, 2007, 23:06
Cheers it worked, but how can i change my font using psp filer.

February 3rd, 2007, 00:57
hey i find your XMBtheme very cool and i would like to use it.
the problem is im a total noob here, ergo i dont have any clue as to what you guys are talking about. so if its not too much of a bother could you help me to install this?
great thanks!^_^

[heres my msn if you decide to teach me [email protected]]

February 3rd, 2007, 02:09
Ye i know . I wont put anything else on QJ even if i decide to start coding. And glad to hear you like the backgrounds but remeber i just rezsized them and made them into bmp's thats it delirium happy gets credit for making them lol Hey did you get snow in murfresboro? lmao i know i didnt spell that right

Yeah, about an inch of snow, of course everyone around here freaked out and wrecked and so one as normal. You/.

February 3rd, 2007, 02:36
i need some help... how do i check if my flash0 has enough space so i can flash it??

AvengedSevenfold Fan
February 3rd, 2007, 04:26
theres a glitch in it, if u try to start an update lower than 3.03, instead of saying, "blah blah blah u already have 3.03, no need to update", its just blank.

February 3rd, 2007, 12:52
Yeah, about an inch of snow, of course everyone around here freaked out and wrecked and so one as normal. You/.
lol Ye we got about two inches of snow here. And i find it funny that when thy mention snow here in TN everybody and their grandmas out buying bread and milk :rofl:

February 5th, 2007, 08:27
lol Ye we got about two inches of snow here. And i find it funny that when thy mention snow here in TN everybody and their grandmas out buying bread and milk :rofl:

Lol, sooo true. Ordering a single pizza was a pain..

February 10th, 2007, 23:22
hey tophead420 thanks for the great XmB theme that you created ,i got a problem since 3 day i'm trying to make it as wallpaper on my psp but no result ! please help me

February 11th, 2007, 02:31
Is your screen just white? if it is go to settings then theme and select it. if not you should flash the 01-12.bmp file again and the go to setting then theme and select the background

February 11th, 2007, 05:27
I really am new to flashing things, so if anyone is willing to help me add me on MSN at:

[email protected]

I need help figuring out if I have enough memory and how to actually do it.