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View Full Version : Add an external WiFi antenna to your PSP

April 12th, 2005, 17:09
Maybe your life depends on an Xlink Kai networked tournament Wipeout Pure showdown. Perhaps you are masochistically forcing yourself to only browse the web via the WP browser hack. Maybe you have that devious desire to stick it to Sony just because you can. For whatever reason, Seth Fogie shows you how to add an external WiFi adapter to your PSP. Plusses: it succeeds in boosting the signal range of the PSP as well as providing a more consistent wireless signal overall. Minuses: you have an unsightly external antenna to cart around. Although you can unscrew the antenna part and leave the flexible pigtail attached, we still don’t know of any PSP cases with a flexible pigtail compartment. But hey, it’s not about that — it’s about knowing that it can be done. And knowing is half the battle.

April 12th, 2005, 17:28
Do you have a link to the article?

April 12th, 2005, 20:32
yes, would be nice to see some pictures, or a link.


April 12th, 2005, 21:13