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View Full Version : Questions: Daedalus, Popstation, and the French NDS Team

February 2nd, 2007, 18:37
I have a few question about the latest PSP homebrew, as I've been out of it for a while...

1) Is there any way I can get the Popstation running on a 1.5?

2) Where in san-heck is strrmnrrm (sorry bad spelling)

3) Whatever happend to that French team that was going to code the NDS emulator?

February 2nd, 2007, 19:03
2.Dont know i was wondering the same a while ago
3. Not to sure

Oh and welcome back Shadowblind

February 2nd, 2007, 19:17
Living without popstation will get irritating but bearable :D

I only heard of the French team once, but it was from wragg so it must've been true...wonder if they gave up.

As for Daedalus, it seems that strrm stopped coding when Monkey did. So I wonder if he only coded to....nevermind.


Buncha crap.