View Full Version : Toddtris 1.2

December 9th, 2012, 21:53
One or two player tetris-like game for Wii.
Two player rules based on the gameboy classic:

4 lines = 4 lines attack on opponent
3 lines = 2 lines attack on opponent
2 lines = 1 line attack on opponent
1 lines - no effect

Thanks to Pete for the soundtrack.
The graphics and sounds are customisable to an extent. All the images and the soundtrack can be changed by swapping the files in the images / sounds directory. The background JPEG can be swapped no problem, the PNGs for the blocks and so on need to be in the format required by GRRLib.

1.2 - December 2, 2012

Added wall kicks - see http://harddrop.com/wiki/Wall_kick
Updated to grrlib 4.3.2
Minor cosmetic tweaks
Added 'drop' function
Increased well height
Updated to build with Devkit
