View Full Version : Release: L3D 3d modeler beta 1 (PSP)

February 3rd, 2007, 18:55
L3D 3d modeler Beta 1 by TacticalPenguin
Concept by OwlHuntr

What it does:
This program can draw, save, and load 3d models. It can be used to create 3d models for use in lua gamesor for converting to other formats.

-Draws 3d models in full 3d out of triangles
-Can undo triangles
-Can save models with the name model#.ext with # being a number and ext being an extension of either lua, txt, or xyz
-Can load models previously drawn with L3D 3d modeler
-Camera can move around
-Grid for point reference
-Color of triangles can be changed
-Lines from points are shown while drawing a triangle for reference to where other points have been placed
-Well thought-out control scheme

-Pause menu:
--Up/down: Change selection
--X: Make selection
---Save option:
----Square/circle: Cycle through extensions
----Left/right on dpad: Change number
---Load option:
----Left/right on dpad: Cycle through saved models

-Camera movement mode:
--Left/right on analog or dpad: Rotate camera
--Up/down on analog or dpad: Move forward/backward
--L/R: Lower/raise camera

-Cursor movement mode:
--Left/right on dpad: Precisely decrease/increase cursor's x position
--Up/down on dpad: Precisely decrease/increase cursor's z position
--Left/right on analog: Decrease/increase cursor's x position
--Up/down on dpad: Decrease/increase cursor's z position
--L/R tap: Precisely raise/lower cursor
--L/R hold: raise/lower cursor

-All modes:
--Start: Pause
--Select: Change modes
--Cross: Select a point of the triangle you are drawing
--Triangle: Change selected color value
--Square/circle: Decrease/increase selected color value's value

To install: Copy both __SCE__L3DB1 and %__SCE__L3DB1 into PSP/GAME for kxploit version, copy L3DB1 into PSP/GAME for 1.0/2.0+/OE

-This must use the luaplayer it is packaged with, for it uses a function which is modded into the luaplayer
-Trying to load a file which is not a model may crash the program
-Depending on the order in which you draw the points of a triangle, it may face away from the camera; if so it will not appear. Draw the points in backwards order to make it face the other way.

Thanks to:
TheMarioKarters-Found two bugs, one which crashed the program. Both were fixed
Youresam-Showed me how to save a table with non-string/number elements in it and answered many questions related to program







Download links:

For 1.0/2.0+/OE: http://1337noobs.com/dl/releases/l3d/b1/L3DB1OE.rar
For 1.5 kxploit: http://1337noobs.com/dl/releases/l3d/b1/L3DB1KX.rar

Hey guys I finally finished making my 3d model drawer today. Basically, it can draw 3d models which can then be used in games. It's like mini-gmax in a way. It can save and load models, undo triangles of a model, use any of the 16.7 million colors the PSP screen can show, it has a grid for refrence, camera movement, lots of stuff. Have fun!

Heck we could even have "Draw this 3d model on your PSP" contests!

February 3rd, 2007, 18:57
hmm. interesting... this might help for me, thanks

February 3rd, 2007, 19:37
Urm nice.... Good idea!, maybe Ill use it :).

February 3rd, 2007, 22:11
More 3D code to help me learn, thx :D

Clean too nice work.

February 4th, 2007, 02:48
it dosen't work for me on 3.03 oe-c. it just stops with no skript file fawend. and yes i do have the scipt.lua in the folder with the eboot.pbp.

February 27th, 2007, 01:38
awsome, this may be fun to try out.