View Full Version : How to used an Android device with a shattered screen

December 13th, 2012, 23:24
This screen is not just cracked, it’s devastated. We can all agree that you’re not going to be carrying this around with you anymore, but it might still be useful in other endeavors. [Mr Westie] wanted to use it for the camera which is undamaged. The issue is how do you control an Android device with a broken screen (http://www.geekzone.co.nz/MrWestie/8283)?
He knew there are apps out there that let you control your device remotely. But these still depend on you being able to install and launch the program. He found he could get the image from the screen on his computer using a package called Screencast (http://www.talkandroid.com/4472-android-screencasting-and-control-via-pc-now-available-unofficially/). It runs on your computer and doesn’t need to be installed on the phone, but it will require a rooted phone and the user must click to authorize root access. He got around that hangup by pushing keypress commands to the phone via ADB (http://www.guidingtech.com/15008/adb-control-keypress-broken-android-keys/). The only problem left is if debugging mode is not enable.
