View Full Version : PSP 3xAAA Battery Mod Step by Step Tutorial

February 4th, 2007, 16:34
Over at acidmods forums, -Neubit- has put up a step by step tutorial on how to get your PSP to run on three AAA batteries.

The PSP battery was opened up and the original battery was taken out, two wires were soldered to the +/- points on the battery circuit board. No resistors were used. The 3 AAA batteries were fitted inside the battery case and connected to the previously soldered wires. Simple enough?

So the next time you're on vacation or out and you're PSP battery is running low, all you need to do is go into a store and pick up a pack of AAA batteries.


Source: Acidmods (http://www.acidmods.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=4ce8faf55ad68ea8c9ab3f7e0a11b2 ab&topic=1393.0)

February 4th, 2007, 16:35
I saw about this battery mod on another thread yesterday and it looks great.