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February 4th, 2007, 22:25
so i'm another victim of dumbassness. downgrading from 2.71, rebooted, ac came unplugged. still have to try a bestbuy with my 2 year warranty. but the ms blinks, the green does NOT turn off on its own, and the backlight turns on but no screen/ no response. any suggestions?

February 4th, 2007, 22:28
If the XMB doesn't show up, then you have landed up with a brick - even if the memory stick light flashes.

February 4th, 2007, 22:40
i got recovered thanks to OE

February 4th, 2007, 22:57
so if bestbuy won't replace it... i've got no more options huh?

February 5th, 2007, 00:17
so if bestbuy won't replace it... i've got no more options huh?
............................................walmar t........................................

February 5th, 2007, 02:12
lol, yeah walmart will return anything...

February 5th, 2007, 16:08
I had a brick yesterday with the custom firmware by replacing the top menu plugin with a new one overwriting the existing one. Thank you custom firmware

February 5th, 2007, 18:47
............................................walmar t........................................

LOL! so walmart will take the bricked psp i have when it was bought at bestbuy... and the warranty is with bestbuy???

February 6th, 2007, 03:38
well even though i personally dont really agree with it, the trick is to buy a new one from walmart and put the brick in the box and return it with the new bill.

Method Man
February 6th, 2007, 16:49
i bricket 2 times in my live *lol* 2 times on one and the same day, recoverd with IrShell

February 6th, 2007, 17:20
... IrShell can't recover bricks.

If IrShell recovered it, you didn't brick.


February 6th, 2007, 19:33
I half bricked my original SONY 1.50 motherboard once already.

Luckily, my bro Zion from the forums provided his spare motherboard, and my PSP was alive once again.

There still ain't a way to recover my old 1.50 motherboard, though...If there were, I would have two PSPs right now...Divineo China sells mostly every part inside and outside the PSP, and along with my would-be recovered motherboard, I could construct a second PSP myself.

...I'm just waiting for a 1.50 UMD game expliot to happen though.(although I doubt it will)

February 7th, 2007, 20:47
I half bricked my original SONY 1.50 motherboard once already.

Luckily, my bro Zion from the forums provided his spare motherboard, and my PSP was alive once again.

There still ain't a way to recover my old 1.50 motherboard, though...If there were, I would have two PSPs right now...Divineo China sells mostly every part inside and outside the PSP, and along with my would-be recovered motherboard, I could construct a second PSP myself.

...I'm just waiting for a 1.50 UMD game expliot to happen though.(although I doubt it will)

That's great and all... except it doesn't help my situation... besides that i could get in touch with divineo... but i'm not looking to have to completely bust my shit open to replace shit too quick... you know? thanks anyway man

February 7th, 2007, 21:52
My post wasn't aimed at helping you, I was just voicing out my Brick experience and opinion about it...After all, ain't this supposed to be a poll?

Sorry if it may sound harsh, but by the sound of it you are gonna need a working motherboard if you want to get your game back. That, or a Brand new PSP. You have a total brick cause of the AC disconnecting issue. Sorry.

And why wouldn't you bust your unit open? I did, and I can tell you it only takes some research in the web, some patience and little bit of cauton to get things done. I had no previous experience either.

February 8th, 2007, 01:54
sorry about that man... didn't mean to come off like that lol. so it's that easy? i'll look into if this whole warranty thing doesn't pan out. mind if i pm u if i need help?

February 8th, 2007, 02:13
best buy will. i did this once on purpose and twice by accident (no custom fw) if they ask just be like , im not sure one day it just stopped. it worked for me ;) good luck

February 8th, 2007, 09:04
Bricked while messing with the flash once, recovered it and learned my lesson.

February 9th, 2007, 23:00
............................................walmar t........................................

I don't know if walmart would work. Unless if it's past 3 months...