View Full Version : Discounted Mega Man compilation on PSN in Japan

December 19th, 2012, 01:30
http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2012/12/megaman.jpg (http://www.joystiq.com/2012/12/18/discounted-mega-man-compilation-on-psn-in-japan/)While there's no massive Mega Man game box set for the series' 25th anniversary, there is a PSN compilation in Japan, acting as sort of a digital box set. Minus the box.

The Mega Man 25th Anniversary Commemorative Campaign Pack is a discounted bundle of all the Mega Man games currently available on Japan's PSN, including the PlayStation releases of Mega Man 1-5, along with 9 and 10. The set, discounted 50% from regular price, costs ¥2,500 (around $30), and will be on sale through January 7.
