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View Full Version : Nintendo Australia Stays Mum On VC Lineup

February 6th, 2007, 18:35
This whole "SURPRISE!" deal with the Virtual Console release schedule is getting a little tiring. It's nice to know these sort of things in advance, so things like family holidays and all-night drinking binges can be planned accordingly. But if anyone, and Australians in particular, were hoping for a little heads-up from Nintendo, prepare...for DISAPPOINTMENT.

Our developers [are] working very hard to convert historic games to the latest technology, as fast as possible.

As a result, game releases are subject to change right until the last minute. Therefore, we will not be publishing future releases for the Virtual Console titles.

Right. But...these games are confirmed as being completely untouched. So they're not being converted at all. Why the silence, Nintendo? Do you pull the names out of a hat?

via kotaku (http://kotaku.com/gaming/virtual-console/nintendo-australia-stays-mum-on-vc-lineup-234174.php)