View Full Version : Bloomberg: Steve Jobs Behind NYC Crime Wave

December 30th, 2012, 20:40
Rudy Giuliani had John Gotti (http://gothamist.com/2011/04/21/rudy_giuliani_disses_eliot_spitzer.php) to worry about; Mike Bloomberg has Steve Jobs. Despite all-time lows for the city in homicides and shootings, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg said overall crime in New York City was up 3.3% in 2012 due to iPhone, iPad and other Apple device thefts (http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/28/crime-is-up-and-bloomberg-blames-iphone-thieves/), which have increased by 3,890 this year. 'If you just took away the jump in Apple, we'd be down for the year,' explained Marc La Vorgna, the mayor's press secretary. 'The proliferation of people carrying expensive devices around is so great,' La Vorgna added. 'It's something that's never had to be dealt with before.' Bloomberg also took to the radio, urging New Yorkers who didn't want to become a crime statistic to keep their iDevices in an interior, hard-to-reach pocket: 'Put it in a pocket in sort of a more body-fitting, tighter clothes, that you can feel if it was — if somebody put their hand in your pocket, not just an outside coat pocket.' But it seems the best way to fight the iCrime Wave (http://apple.slashdot.org/story/12/07/28/1145204/fighting-the-icrime-wave) might be to slash the $699 price of an iPhone (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Apple%26%23174%3B+-+iPhone%26%23174%3B+5+with+16GB+Memory+Mobile+Phon e+-+Black+%26+Slate+(AT%26T)/6699308.p?id=1218786216193&skuId=6699308&st=Save_on_iPhone_5_and_4S&cp=1&lp=1&contract_desc=)(unactivated), which costs an estimated $207 (http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2012-09-20/business/35494758_1_new-iphone-earpods-lte-networks) to make. The U.S. phone subsidy model (http://seekingalpha.com/article/1081191-why-phone-subsidies-are-here-to-stay-in-the-u-s) reportedly adds $400+ to the price of an iPhone. So, is offering unlocked alternatives at much more reasonable prices than an iPhone — like the $299 Nexus 4 (https://play.google.com/store/devices/details?id=nexus_4_8gb&feature=microsite&hl=en), for starters — the real key to taking a bite out of (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McGruff_the_Crime_Dog) cellphone crime? After all, didn't dramatic price cuts pretty much kill car stereo theft (http://www.geek.com/articles/gadgets/the-death-of-car-stereo-theft-20090326/)?
