View Full Version : New screens from Infernal reveal Ageia PhysX effects

February 7th, 2007, 17:20
A new batch of screenshots from PC stealth-shooter Infernal are displaying what the employment of Ageia PhysX hardware means to the game. Look on and be amazed. Or unimpressed, depending on your point of view.

According to Eidos which is distributing the game, with PhysX enabled "the game takes players to a new level of physics interaction". It continues, enthusing, "Explosions in Infernal are truly a sight to behold, with dust particles filling the screen as collateral debris and wreckage hurtle through the air in all directions...

"...graphical effects from both weapons and supernatural powers look absolutely stunning, engulfing the player and the world in light, with fire bending and warping the player's vision; and fire effects become truly worthy of any agent of Hell."

Infernal is due Q1 2007 and finds player filling the boots of Ryan Lennox, a supernatural-powered special agent working for Hell and attempting to save the netherworld from collapse.

Screens Here (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=157110)