View Full Version : iPhone 5 users named most ravenous

January 14th, 2013, 21:44
Europe’s iPhone 5 users have developed an almost insatiable appetite for data, with many gorging on up to four-times the amount consumed by those still using an iPhone on a 3G network.
A new study by data analysis company Arieso saw over one million smartphone users on European 3G networks monitored over 24 hours to measure the demand for data. Its results showed that iPhone 5 users sought 50 per cent more data than iPhone 4S users.
"One iPhone 5 user is effectively worth about 4 iPhone 3G users," said report author Michael Flanagan.
The study also showed an increase in the amount of data uploaded to social networking sites, with Flanagan stating that this data now represented one sixth of the amount of data downloaded as opposed to one seventh last year.
With regard to the average amount of data generated and uploaded by a device, Samsung’s Galaxy S III was placed just ahead of the iPhone.
