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View Full Version : Motorstorm influenced by FlatOut?

February 13th, 2007, 16:20
There are plenty of similarities between the FlatOut and Motorstorm games, FlatOut producer Danny Rawles has dismissed his game's ties with the PS3 launch title (in a typically diplomatic fashion) saying Motorstorm was "perhaps" influenced by FlatOut.

"In all honesty no, we've not been influenced by Motorstorm," Rawles tolds CVG in an interview to be published soon. "Looking at some of their features, perhaps they've been influenced by FlatOut."

But while Evolution Studios' PS3 racer apparently didn't influence the development of the new FlatOut, Rawles says that he "obviously kept an eye on it", while noting that it's "not a direct competitor" since "they are PS3 exclusive and we are Xbox 360 exclusive."

FlatOut Ultimate Carnage is set to bring a plethora of new single and multiplayer modes to Xbox 360, as well as online bouts over Xbox Live and downloadable content.

"Competition in general is always a good thing," Rawles continues. "You have to stand out in this competitive genre and we're making sure FlatOut Ultimate Carnage does exactly that. If you think destruction, damage and carnage, we want FOUC to be the first game that comes to mind."

via cvg (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=157903)