View Full Version : Riccitiello: Game violence about perceptions

January 31st, 2013, 20:55
EA can be 'part of that solution,' says CEO

As the nation's public and lawmakers alike take yet another look at the issue of violence in games, EA CEO John Riccitiello has voiced his opinion, saying it's not about games, but perceptions.
Earlier this month, Vice President Joe Bidenspoke with Riccitiello (http://www.develop-online.net/news/42970/Video-Biden-says-games-arent-being-singled-out) and other industry playmakers, warning them of the need to change public percetions of gaming.

It's been more than a year since the Supreme Court's decision granting games full first amendment protections, but still some lawmakers insist that something must be done to protect American children from what they call the threat of violent media.
Riccitiello thinks its about time the industry - which he called "mature" and "responsible" - did more to change their minds.
