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February 14th, 2007, 18:07
Again and again I am faced with this subject.
These are my opinions...

1. Certain drugs SHOULD be illegal and restricted (like opium, herion, and cocaine for example) because of their horrid effects on the human body and mind.

However, all others should be legal but restricted (like tobacco).

I personally think that the U.S government only got in the game because of public pressure, and losing money. I think the the government does not give a damn about what the average American does, unless it loses money.

I would like to here some of your opinions on this controversial subject (at least in the U.S).

EDIT: Since JKKDARK is an idiot that doesn't read posts :p, I meant ALL OTHERS that don't damage the body (Mushrooms, LSD, Marijuana, and all other hallucinogens) should be legal to people over 21.

February 14th, 2007, 18:17
I'm not agree. I don't give a fcuk if you don't like people using them.

February 14th, 2007, 18:19
I'm not agree. I don't give a fcuk if you don't like people using them.
I don't think you read my post correctly...

February 14th, 2007, 18:38
I honestly think anything organic should be legal. Cigarettes and alcohol have much more diverse effects on the body than marijuana. Marijuana is all natural whereas cigs are jam packed with drugs and chemicals that are detrimental to the body. Cigs are known to be addictive whereas studies ahve shown that there is no proof that marijuana is addicting. Alcohol destroys your liver and really does a pounding on your brain.

So yeah, I agree that recreational drugs (if organic) are fine, it is the stuff that is already legal that needs to be outlawed.

February 14th, 2007, 18:44
I honestly think anything organic should be legal. Cigarettes and alcohol have much more diverse effects on the body than marijuana. Marijuana is all natural whereas cigs are jam packed with drugs and chemicals that are detrimental to the body. Cigs are known to be addictive whereas studies ahve shown that there is no proof that marijuana is addicting. Alcohol destroys your liver and really does a pounding on your brain.

So yeah, I agree that recreational drugs (if organic) are fine, it is the stuff that is already legal that needs to be outlawed.
I agree with you all the way.

But the problem is that the U.S makes a TON of money on the tobacco and alcohol industry due to tax. So I don't think it will be outlawed anytime soon.

Also some brilliant people have used Marijuana and we don't see them standing in the street do we?

February 14th, 2007, 19:04
Nope, in fact, Marijuana has been shown to increase the thought processes, allow you to think more clearly on a certain subject, and even allow you to understand things you never could understand before. It works great as a sleep aid, can help people with pain as simple as a cramp, to severe diseases. Of course, you know what would happen if the government legalized marijuana, cigarette companies would start manufacturing marijuana cigs and still pack all that sh!t into them. But yeah, if anything, marijuana is helpful, there are only a few risks that aren't even comparable to cigarettes and alcohol, the two main ones being short term memory loss (while your on marijuana not after) and of course lung disease if you smoke it, which is more likely to happen with cigarettes anyway because of the chemicals manufactured and stored within the cigarette.

February 14th, 2007, 22:04
Nope, in fact, Marijuana has been shown to increase the thought processes, allow you to think more clearly on a certain subject, and even allow you to understand things you never could understand before. It works great as a sleep aid, can help people with pain as simple as a cramp, to severe diseases. Of course, you know what would happen if the government legalized marijuana, cigarette companies would start manufacturing marijuana cigs and still pack all that sh!t into them. But yeah, if anything, marijuana is helpful, there are only a few risks that aren't even comparable to cigarettes and alcohol, the two main ones being short term memory loss (while your on marijuana not after) and of course lung disease if you smoke it, which is more likely to happen with cigarettes anyway because of the chemicals manufactured and stored within the cigarette.

If all these things are facts, why not give resources? There is no way any official study would say that marijuana increases thought processes. Also, no cigarette company would get in on marijuana were it made legal due to the horrible image it would portray in the minds of the american public.

I disagree with the illegalization of most of these things because they were done without any scientific basis. Most of the 'older' drugs were made illegal prior to world war two, and in the 60s when the government overturned some of the laws banning them due to the fact that they were unconstitutional, they were immediately put into the schedual list which is for MUCH more dangerous things.

I also specifically disagree with the illegalization of marijuana for two reasons: 1) it isn't physically dangerous in a way that the government should control it 2) illegalization breeds crime around it and related to it.

The same in my mind goes for LSD(which contrary to popular belief does not build up in your spine), peyote, mescaline, and some random synthetic phenethylamines.

February 14th, 2007, 22:13
have you ever seen the comedian Bill Hicks, he died in '94 i think but he was funny. he loved drugs and said that god was like "Oh no! i have just filled the world with marijuana, it might give people the idea they're supposed to use it. oh well, i better make the republican party!". he also went on about organic drugs and how magic mushrooms grow on cow shit. he said "where do you think the phrase "that's good shit" came from?" what a legend!

February 15th, 2007, 00:39
I remember reading somewhere that Marjiuana increases thought processes. I think it was on wikipedia, let me go check.

Ask Shadowprophet, he's used the stuff, so he would know.

[EDIT] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_issues_and_the_effects_of_cannabis

February 15th, 2007, 01:30
Marijuana does diddly squat to the lungs. It doesn't harm them at all. Actually, thc actually like helps with cancer.
For all you sober non-believers

I very dislike cigarettes. I mean, they are purposely addicting. BTW, shrooms shouldn't be legal. They make your brain bleed.
Also, it is said (no source) if you stay up for 72 hours, you have the possibility of having the same trip as a person on LSD. I cannot confirm, just only believe that. I am going to try probably friday/today/summer.

February 15th, 2007, 01:33
I remember reading somewhere that Marjiuana increases thought processes. I think it was on wikipedia, let me go check.

Ask Shadowprophet, he's used the stuff, so he would know.

[EDIT] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_issues_and_the_effects_of_cannabis

I fail to see where that says it increases thought processes (or more to the point makes you think more/better). in fact :

Some of the effects of marijuana use include increased heart rate, dryness of the mouth, reddening of the eyes (congestion of the conjunctival blood vessels), a reduction in intra-ocular pressure, mild impairment of motor skills and concentration, and increased hunger.

Now, when you're on it of course, you think you're thinking more clearly than ever before. I know I've tried programming on it before and wrote like 3x as much code as I normally can in the same time frame. Next morning I looked at it and it was of course buggy as hell, but it got written nonetheless.

I'm not saying that it's bad for you, but just that it is simply something for recreation (other than of course the pain dulling, which however can be done much better by standard pain medications for most types of pain) and not something that's gonna make you think better (unless you're discussing creativity which is something completely different).

February 15th, 2007, 01:40
If you search the page for "brain" it has some stuff on how it does improve it. I didn't read up on it too much so i could have missed a couple words here and there.

February 15th, 2007, 01:52
I'm a HUGE supporter or legalizing ALL drugs.

Although the hard drugs (heroin, cocaine, LSD, ecstacy) do kill people (about 26,000 a year in the US which is about 1% of all deaths and this is drug induced deaths) making them illegal won't stop people from using them. I think legalizing hard drugs but making them much less pure (heroin is almost 100% pure these days) and having other restrictions on them is ok.

As for marijuana, I REALLY cannot see how it is still illegal. Weed has NEVER killed one single person in all history. Alcohol is technically worse for you than weed because it can kill you plus it actually causes brain damage. Yes, I have smoked marijuana before.

But in general, making drugs illegal creates more problems. First is that a black market is created, and drug dealers become rich off of it. People will never stop using drugs, the government should have learned this already. This is the same reason why alcohol prohibition didn't work.

Penn and Teller basically summed up the whole joke that is the war on drugs on the episode "War on Drugs," look for it it's very interesting.

But most importantly, there's something called freedom, and freedom means I can do whatever I want provided I don't hurt others or infringe on other people's freedom.

February 15th, 2007, 01:59
LSD has never killed anyone besides suicides and stuff like that. I support legalization of marijuana. I always find it makes me think positively and creatively. Alcohol's great but it makes you make an ass out of your self. And you'll probably get more violent. Marijuana makes you less violent.

February 15th, 2007, 02:04
LSD has never killed anyone besides suicides and stuff like that.
Yeah, ummm, that's not good. You could almost say that about acid too.

Anywho, we should create a petition to legalize marijuana but put an age limit of like 15/16 on it. Don't have the government control the creation of it though, for they will ruin it and try to make a lot of money on it. I mean, look at cigarettes, they killed those and people. Maybe, just make it legal but keep it where people still buy it off the streets and stuff.

February 15th, 2007, 02:41
Yeah, ummm, that's not good. You could almost say that about acid too.

You have just relvealed that you don't know anything about any of this. Thanks for the heads up.

The article does summarize a bunch of different interactions marijuana has with the brain, but none of them are specifically positive in the sense that they increase your functionality.

SSa: I don't know how you'd like to classify "hard drugs" but you seem to have an odd very personalized way to go about it. USUALLY LSD and x are not considered hard drugs, as they are not addictive, nor is it extremely easy to OD on. Now, if you want to classify them by their affect on a person, LSD would be on the list, and X would be off. I personally tend to set the list into "permanent detrimental effects" and "no known permanent effects" in which case heroin, cocaine, and x are in the first category and pot, lsd, opium, and most phenethyls are in the latter.

If you do some research, you'll see that there are two sets of reasons marijuana is illegal. The first was it's original banning which happened near the beginning of the 20th century with basically one guy who tried to get it gone and used extremely rascist and religious reasons to do so. Then when the laws banning it were overturned in the 60s, and it was legal for a few years, it was put back into the illegal category because: 1) it was illegal for so long that it was associated with illegal behavoir, and had lots of negative public image 2) it was favored by people who opposed governmental policy (hippies!) and provided a good way to crack down on them.

February 15th, 2007, 03:00
SSa: I don't know how you'd like to classify "hard drugs"

I'm referring to the drugs which you can overdose on. Marijuana obviously isn't one.

Anywho, we should create a petition to legalize marijuana but put an age limit of like 15/16 on it. Don't have the government control the creation of it though, for they will ruin it and try to make a lot of money on it. I mean, look at cigarettes, they killed those and people. Maybe, just make it legal but keep it where people still buy it off the streets and stuff.

There was an effort in Nevada to legalize up to one ounce of marijuana for people 21 and older. Under the plan, there would also be stricter penalties for people driving under the influence of it and people who sold it to minors. There would also be a tax placed on it.

The measure failed, partly due to the drug czar going to Nevada using OUR tax money to pay off organizations to agree with him.

Here's some interesting videos on marijuana: http://youtube.com/watch?v=CfcRyruo91Y

February 15th, 2007, 03:31
Yeah, ummm, that's not good. You could almost say that about acid too.
You obviously are not good in this subject. I'm not holding my silence any longer...

It is IMPOSSIBLE to over-dose on LSD (to the best of my knowledge).

It is not physically addictive, but you do gain tolerance to it. Just don't use it for a few days and you will be back to normal.

There are really no health risks from using it or any long term effects except a slight chance of developing pychosis, and flashbacks (both are rare).

A flashback is where someone experiences LSD like effects days, months, even years, after the drug has long been consumed and worn off.

Also, it is currently un-known if LSD causes pychosis in pre-disposed individuals or if it would have manfested otherwise, or if a certain gene difference causes it (thank's to the damn government making it "Class A").

February 15th, 2007, 03:56
I'm referring to the drugs which you can overdose on. Marijuana obviously isn't one.

the LD50 of LSD is ridiculously high. There is only one documented case of something that MAY have been a death caused by overdose, in which someone injected themselves with 1/3 a gram of LSD. To put that into perspective, the standard dosage is measured in micrograms. This was like 3000x a high dose at once. This would put it up there with the LD50 of marijuana which would require a person to injest more than their body weight in plant in one sitting.

EDIT: didn't see EX's response. To add to it, a flashback is NOT a result of small amounts of lsd staying in your system and re-introducing themselves. What it is is that while you are on the substance, and your brain is muddling all your sensory inputs, it is learning to interpret things in certain ways (similarly to how when you taste something for the first time, it gets registered into your brain and remembered for the next time you think of the thing and wonder about it's taste). A flashback happens when at some later date, your brain accesses memories or thought patterns that were formed while you were on the substance, causing you to interpret things the way you would while on it.

February 15th, 2007, 05:01
You guys took what i said wrong. I said
could almost What i meant was, he said for lsd is people could commit suicide and people have done that on acid too. I never said anything about LSD kills or acid doesn't and stuff. My bro has been to jail because of drugs, i no enough to get by. Personally pot and lsd should be legalized.
I'm more of a pot fan though

February 15th, 2007, 05:10
You guys took what i said wrong. I said What i meant was, he said for lsd is people could commit suicide and people have done that on acid too. I never said anything about LSD kills or acid doesn't and stuff. My bro has been to jail because of drugs, i no enough to get by. Personally pot and lsd should be legalized.
I'm more of a pot fan though

Except the point was that LSD IS acid. Acid is just slang for LSD. Also, I had missed your comment about staying awake too long. When I went to MagFest 06 I ended up staying away for about 100 hours (and my sleep prior to that had only been 4 or so hours a night for a few nights). I was hallucinating, the same way you do when you're tripping, only with the visual effects though, there was no other synthesasia (sic?).

February 15th, 2007, 05:18
If I was a schoolroom teacher and I said to my students "Please stay inside the classroom today," they would probaly stay inside and not go out. Now, if I said, "Don't go outside," chances are they would get curious and want to go outside. Thats pretty much how it is with most things. If the government says no, you have a greater chance of wanting it. Now, if the government said that it was a bad idea to have marijuana, but it was not illegal, you could expect that not everyone would use it, that the people who were willing to accept the risks and responsibilities of using it would use it legally, and that there would not have to be any blackmarkets or illegal selling of it. It seems that everyone would win if it was legallized as a recreational drug, and that there were still certain limitations such as driving under the influence of it.

February 15th, 2007, 05:37
LSD is one of the most potent drugs ever discovered, with average doses equaling 300 to 500 micrograms. That's equal to one-tenth the mass of a grain of sand, which is DAMN small.

It's also an incredibly fragile molecule. It needs to be stored in clean water (not tap, since there are contaminants in it) in the refrigerator. So it is IMPOSSIBLE for trace amounts of LSD to be able to manfest and cause a flashback, especially with the humid, warm climate of the body.

February 15th, 2007, 05:46
LSD is one of the most potent drugs ever discovered, with average doses equaling 300 to 500 micrograms. That's equal to one-tenth the mass of a grain of sand, which is DAMN small.

It's also an incredibly fragile molecule. It needs to be stored in clean water (not tap, since there are contaminants in it) in the refrigerator. So it is IMPOSSIBLE for trace amounts of LSD to be able to manfest and cause a flashback, especially with the humid, warm climate of the body.

umm... the average dosage of LSD is somewhere between 100 and 200 micrograms. 300 would have been a high dose in the 70's nowadays you don't get doses anywhere near that high. Considering that you can hallucinate from as little as 25micrograms, that makes sense ;)

February 15th, 2007, 06:02
I believe lethal dose esttimates for LSD are around 1 gram.
Let us not forget that hemp is also illegal because of the competition it posed to synthetic fibers...
Heroin is the devil and should never be legalized,same with meth.
Have lost several friends to those two :(
Not dead but gone...spiritually.
Drugs do not necessarily enhance thought but maybe give you a different perspective which may enable abstractions which were not possible in the previous thought state.
Stay away from herion,cigs,meth,coke and excessive alchohol.LSD can be very psychologicaly unsettling but that's about the worst thing you have to face from that.
Quzar obviously knows what he is talking about,
much respect!!
Simple fact is you should be truly educated about what you put in your body EVEN FOOD!
Let food be thy medicine

I am aquainted with molly too.
She's much cooler than me X

February 15th, 2007, 07:14
Don't eat pork u cannibals. It is injected with human dna!

February 15th, 2007, 08:50
I gave up drugs. And im better off without them.
Things have gotten so much better since i've been drug free. I can think so much more clearly now.
I look back on the person I was, And the person I am now. And only regret that I didnt quit sooner.

February 15th, 2007, 09:04
I gave up drugs. And im better off without them.
Things have gotten so much better since i've been drug free. I can think so much more clearly now.
I look back on the person I was, And the person I am now. And only regret that I didnt quit sooner.

Good on ya mate:thumbup:

I quit smoking weed about 4-5 weeks ago and I feel alot better and It's alot easier to save money now:).

February 15th, 2007, 16:44
Look if countries wanted to stop illegal drug usage of hard core illicit drugs such as heroin, Cocaine, Crack, Meth.. etc. all they have to do is make a decent percentage of the drugs "Hot" dosages.. or laced with something lethal. That way, no one "uses" that particular drug except the people that want to die. The drugs loose their "chic" image and Drug usages will plummit due to people not wanting to die on their first try. If you want proof of this theory, how come people dont eat rat poison for a high? 'nuff said.

As for my opinion on drugs: I believe it is a persons choice.. just as anything in life. But this doesnt mean that I dont want people to be educated about the real side effects of drugs. I really dont care if people smoke some pot on the side, If thats their perogative. Elaborating on one of the previous posts.. I too have lost one of my best friends spiritually from Meth and it was sad to see him go. I moved away for a few years during high school where we were best friends and now he's just an empty shell. Some could possibly say that his use of recreational drugs could have been a contributing factor just as the downfall of many of my friends that did recreational drugs in their teens and ended up moving up to more hardcore drugs. But then the argument that I used marijuana once or twice and I turned out fine for the most part could also be said.

Drugs are a money maker for both sides.. you have the dealers and pushers working their part.. and you have the government working theirs (more cops, keeps existing ones employed, social programs for rehab and politicians running campains to help stop drug usage). Both sides love their money.. and if drug usage wasnt a problem, who would be loosing more in all of this? So as far as that is concerned I dont see anything in the future to deter more people from using them other than cracked out actors making eggs showing your brain on drugs.

So.. now that i have just wrecked any future political career that I might have had. i'll let all of you flame me for being an extremist. :)


February 15th, 2007, 17:33
Look if countries wanted to stop illegal drug usage of hard core illicit drugs such as heroin, Cocaine, Crack, Meth.. etc. all they have to do is make a decent percentage of the drugs "Hot" dosages.. or laced with something lethal. That way, no one "uses" that particular drug except the people that want to die. The drugs loose their "chic" image and Drug usages will plummit due to people not wanting to die on their first try. If you want proof of this theory, how come people dont eat rat poison for a high? 'nuff said.

Your point is good enough, except that that would mean the government would be supplying the drugs directly, which would be illegal. Not to mention the moral ramifications of the government saying "yea, we've poisoned 50% of it". People don't eat rat poison for a high because it doesn't get you high. A PERFECT analogy would be 'you don't see people drinking denatured alcohol'. Anything that has alcohol in it that is not meant to be consumed has poison in it to prevent people from drinking it and avoiding the extremely high vice taxes on drinking alcohol. That however is the government forcing something legal not intended for consumption to be made specifically so that people don't use it. Also, if ya'll didn't know, that's where the going blind from moonshine thing comes from, as many moonshiners in order to increase the alcohol content without the added still time would simply dump some denatured alcohol into their mash.

February 15th, 2007, 20:09
hold on, how many of you have actually done drugs? i certainly haven't but can tell you a resonable amount about them. thing is that if drugs were legallised, the non-using taxpayer could benefit immensely from the fact that governments could sell the drugs and tax the hell out of them. it would be so expensive that few would bother trying them and though there may be problems with old users commintting crimes to get drug money, they could be placed on a similar system that is used to gently lower their use of drugs by the usual substitutes today. the health service would have a weight off it's back, nobody would be on drugs and softer drugs like hash could be sold in a similar way to tobacco. problemsolved, or maybe not!

February 15th, 2007, 20:34
Done pot, salvia, hash, opium, random Rxs, and coke (once).

February 15th, 2007, 21:12
Pretty much all the types of pot. My favorite has to be chronic though, for it's popularity and the reasonably cheapness of price. I did do some wierd mersh once that was laced with something. Two friends and i got high off of like one hit.

February 15th, 2007, 21:19
holy shit, this is strange, my mother simply won't have me speaking with such ruffians, uh! seriously though the only people i know that smoke pot are either neds, pricks, or stupid girls who are basically complete whores! you are all decent people, maybe it's to do with the USA!

February 15th, 2007, 21:24
Pretty much my whole senior class at my HighSchool does pot. No joke, you could point out like 10-12 guys that don't. For my class (freshman), people are starting up but there is quite a few long time stoners. I don't call myself a pot head, for i don't do it habitually, i only do it ritually. I have also never smoked alone, which is another factor *for me at least* of someone being a pothead. Now, they don't have to smoke alone to be considered a pothead though, i'm just saying.

February 15th, 2007, 21:34
I've done marijuana (great stuff honestly) and that is it. I have used alcohol once, and that was enough, but pot is great, like joshisposer said I only smoke in a group not by myself. Sort of a mutual thing between friends.

February 15th, 2007, 21:35
I really haven't used any drugs.

I've used Amphetamines (speed) because some doctor thought I had ADHD (I don't). I use it once in a while to help me study (since we still have some left over).

February 15th, 2007, 21:39
me and my friens have never done anything, apart from one of them tried smoking tobacco whe he was like 13, and thats not exactly badass. is pot THAT good?

February 15th, 2007, 22:55
me and my friens have never done anything, apart from one of them tried smoking tobacco whe he was like 13, and thats not exactly badass. is pot THAT good?

It's not as good as people make it out to be, trust me you will have fun smoking it for the first time though, especially if you do it with acouple of other first timers.

Alot of people call being stoned a high. It's not.

I have also never smoked alone, which is another factor *for me at least* of someone being a pothead. Now, they don't have to smoke alone to be considered a pothead though, i'm just saying.Lol, I guess I was classed as a pothead then:o

February 15th, 2007, 23:00
It's not as good as people make it out to be, trust me you will have fun smoking it for the first time though, especially if you do it with acouple of other first timers.

Alot of people call being stoned a high. It's not.

First of all: the first time you smoke it usually doesn't have any effect.
Second of all: stoned and high are two different things. More specifically there are two different major strains of cannabis, one of which makes you mellow, relaxed, lose track of time: stoned. The other makes you hallucinate, possibly smile and laugh relatively uncontrollably, have an overall sense of well being, and be 'high'. Most people think that either of them are just terms used for being under the influence though, and wouldn't know northern lights from skunk.

February 15th, 2007, 23:09
First of all: the first time you smoke it usually doesn't have any effect.
Everybody says that, but both me and my bro (the one that isn't in jail) both got high off of our first smoke. He started years before me, i started about a year or so ago. I mean, i got completely "high" as you defined it. I was laughing, eating, *trying* to play video games. It was great. Now, i like the taste but I'm not a stoner. I smoke ritually, not habitually.

February 15th, 2007, 23:10
First of all: the first time you smoke it usually doesn't have any effect.
Second of all: stoned and high are two different things. More specifically there are two different major strains of cannabis, one of which makes you mellow, relaxed, lose track of time: stoned. The other makes you hallucinate, possibly smile and laugh relatively uncontrollably, have an overall sense of well being, and be 'high'. Most people think that either of them are just terms used for being under the influence though, and wouldn't know northern lights from skunk.

Yeah well in Australia we dont give a shit about different strains it's just weed to us. We dont buy weed and try and figure out what the name of the strain is we just smoke the shit.

I dont believe it's different strains that make you laugh and make you baked I think it just depends on the mood your in when your smoking.

February 15th, 2007, 23:18
I'm not purposely try to turn you down Kramer, but yeah, there is a difference. I mean, even between the most common where i live, mersch and chronic. Mersch (can someone tell me how to spell it) gives you a lazy high. Like you're stone as quzar said. You aren't happy and completely trippin out, unless it's laced. Then, there is chronic, which will get me really high. I can't control my laugh sometimes, but it's fun. I don't use drugs as a way to make me happy, i'm naturally happy.

February 15th, 2007, 23:20
Hmm maybe I've just smoked too much weed and it's lost it's high effect.

Anyway Drugs are bad mmmmkayy.

February 15th, 2007, 23:28
Yeah well in Australia we dont give a shit about different strains it's just weed to us. We dont buy weed and try and figure out what the name of the strain is we just smoke the shit.

I dont believe it's different strains that make you laugh and make you baked I think it just depends on the mood your in when your smoking.

Most people here don't care either. Just like everything else there are coinniseurs (sic). As for strains, the effects have been proven scientifically. The two different main strains have different types of chemicals in them to produce these effects. Of course mood plays into it, but you simply won't get high off one strain regardless of your mood, or stoned off another regardless of mood.

josh: in response to the 'first time smoking' think, I said "usually" ;).

February 16th, 2007, 13:03
It's not as good as people make it out to be, trust me you will have fun smoking it for the first time though, especially if you do it with acouple of other first timers.

i dunno if i'll ever try it. probs not because i'm a good little boy. nah, for me it's still an illegal drug, and however unnecessary it's illegality is there is no difference between this and other banned substances for me, it's weird, cos even politicians smoke it lol! like that fascist tory ******* David Cameron.:p

February 16th, 2007, 13:50
Dont knock it till you have tryed it. 2 days ago i snorted alot of speed... i have just woke up. Last week i took a XDC i got ****ed. Now i have about an 8th of pot and about to smoke it.

February 16th, 2007, 13:56
Dont knock it till you have tryed it. 2 days ago i snorted alot of speed... i have just woke up. Last week i took a XDC i got ****ed. Now i have about an 8th of pot and about to smoke it.

Good on ya mate where all proud of you;)

February 16th, 2007, 14:21
Yeah well in Australia we dont give a shit about different strains it's just weed to us. We dont buy weed and try and figure out what the name of the strain is we just smoke the shit.

I dont believe it's different strains that make you laugh and make you baked I think it just depends on the mood your in when your smoking.

Yeah, I just smoke (a lot of) the shit as well, most of the people dealing it don't know what strain it is. Of course you can tell by the smell what kind of a high it's gonna be (or if some ******* sprayed flyspray on it).

I smoke weed pretty much everyday but thats about it, I've done acid 3 or 4 times tried coke once taken a few mushy caps, snorted the odd line of meth and popped the odd E but I stick to weed 99.9% of the time, I would NEVER shoot up anything or try smack tho.

As far as legalizing it goes I really couldn't care less, weeds as good as legal over here anyway, Adelaide is the weed capital of Australia and you can quote me on that.

February 16th, 2007, 14:41
Yeah, I just smoke (a lot of) the shit as well, most of the people dealing it don't know what strain it is. Of course you can tell by the smell what kind of a high it's gonna be (or if some ******* sprayed flyspray on it).

Man I've had flyspray gear before that shit ****s you up bigtime, it was so harsh and I was smoking out of this mini bong. Later on I threw up and I couldn't see straight and felt all dizzy.

February 16th, 2007, 14:58
Man I've had flyspray gear before that shit ****s you up bigtime, it was so harsh and I was smoking out of this mini bong. Later on I threw up and I couldn't see straight and felt all dizzy.

I went for a walk to Subway after smoking some flysprayed crap and actually went blind when ordering my food, everything started going dark at the counter when the guy was asking what I wanted and I just mumbled something like "hang on a second" and tried to make it to the seats before I couldn't see anything but didn't make it in time, somehow I still managed to get to seats and it took at least 5mins for my vision to come back.

My friend told me that my blood pressure must have been so high that it cut off the optic nerve!! I don't know if thats right or not but it had me worried for a while, but that was years ago and it hasn't hapened again (thankfully).

February 16th, 2007, 15:05
well Marijuana is cool if you are playing a video game like first person shooters and it's great cause it gives me peace of mind.

February 16th, 2007, 15:58
well Marijuana is cool if you are playing a video game like first person shooters and it's great cause it gives me peace of mind.
Now wouldn't a FPS shooter scare you when you are on a hallucinogen? With all that blood and stuff?

February 16th, 2007, 16:03
Marijuana rarely makes you hallucinate. Ive only ever hallucinated once in the three years I've been smoking.

February 16th, 2007, 16:28
well Marijuana is cool if you are playing a video game like first person shooters and it's great cause it gives me peace of mind.

It's always been hard for me to play FPS's when im high, i have trouble aiming and whatnot.

February 16th, 2007, 16:31
drugs make people laugh at tv's that are switched off and by people i mean me.

February 16th, 2007, 18:17
Marijuana rarely makes you hallucinate. Ive only ever hallucinated once in the three years I've been smoking.
Then why do it?

February 16th, 2007, 19:46
Makes me hallucinate quite often, it really just depends on the strain. And the reason you do it isnt just to get high, like i have said, it makes you calmer, more relaxed, can make it where you dont feel a lot of your aches and pains. the list goes on.

February 16th, 2007, 21:00
Dont knock it till you have tryed it. 2 days ago i snorted alot of speed... i have just woke up. Last week i took a XDC i got ****ed. Now i have about an 8th of pot and about to smoke it.

i didn't say i wouldn't enjoy it, but for me it just carries this kind of thing of, well i suppose guilt if i tried it, that's basically what's repelling me, i dunno why really. lol hull, no wonder you're mentaller!

February 16th, 2007, 22:16
Without drugs, we cannot revive the 80's

February 16th, 2007, 22:40
without drugs...everyone on here would be sane lol!

February 16th, 2007, 23:41
well it's good for me cause i can master any fps game in like 5mins and I'm rolling up one as i type. And there the other day i palying Narc for the xbox and was high playing it and it was mad.

February 17th, 2007, 01:31
Helps me forget things i never wanted to know, ive never really had the munchies I think thats just a stereotype or something cuz ive been blazin it since a while now and no hunger or maybe depends on the person? but yea i was watching the history channel and they have like 3 specials on weed,opium, and acid and it was interesting to know why weed was banned during one of the world wars cuz people where using it as a substitute for booze when it wus outlawed so the government made wacky movies and claimed high people where killing others and hence the madness of the fear of usage and from there came the ban. weed does cause cancer if abused though http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9808/18/marijuana.cancer/
dont get me wrong i like to blaze the herbal essence but i take it easy and get it not laced from my cuzin whose a doc ;D

February 17th, 2007, 14:52
Man I love playing loco roco baked. I don't know its just really uplifting. But yeah weed is also effected by your creativeness. It might be bit overrated by people. But those are usually from people who've tried it a few times. The real stoners here are pretty much right.

Drugs I think should be legal
LSD (maybe. I don't know.)
Hash. Pretty much the same as weed but still. Thought its worth a mention. Frig I couldn't smoke hash I got so I ate it. I thought it wouldn't do anything. But apparently all the THC was trapped in the fat so it would actually activate and cause an effect. I didn't know when I'd stop taking effects. :|
I probably won't try that again because I feel its sorta a hobo thing to do.

Drugs I don't think should be legal
Cocain plus crack form.
All the tranquilizers

All the other drugs I really couldn't care. :|

As for the munchies its really just something that changes your perception of food. You appreciate it more so you want food. Me and my friends used to buy like $30 worth of food. We also bought one of those maclaines cakes. Man they were amazing. I felt I was like licking gods feet or something.

February 17th, 2007, 16:58
Try going to Wendys. Get their double cheese burger. It is amazing. It doesn't fill u up, but it tastes so good.

February 18th, 2007, 00:48
yo Yobumtin have you tried Ketamine it's wicked ya get some kind of out of body experiences with it and it's a class C

February 18th, 2007, 13:52
ketamine is horse tranquiliser, aint it. all the new rave kids take it, there's also a song called k-hole!

February 18th, 2007, 14:22
I don't know if anybody has mentioned this in the thread, but 420 is on a friday this year. For us high school kids it's good news.

February 18th, 2007, 17:59
My bro's birthday is 4/20. hehehe

February 18th, 2007, 18:20
the first 3 digits in all my online high school course numbers is 420. Plus, i alway seem to be looking at the clock when it is exactly 4:20 by instinct. lol. not even kidding.

February 18th, 2007, 23:35
The hardest class I've ever taken, all three times i've taken it, has let out at 4:20 =P

February 19th, 2007, 00:41
A set of super slinky guitar strings are £4.20 lol

@gdf. lol i guess you have herd of how bad hull is then. hehe

February 19th, 2007, 01:56
Plus, i alway seem to be looking at the clock when it is exactly 4:20 by instinct. lol. not even kidding.
Dude that's crazy the same thing happens to me.

February 19th, 2007, 02:17
we have a cop in this town who's address is 420

February 19th, 2007, 06:00
Some of those stimulants have some medical uses. I think those that have a use, should be Shedule III (C).

February 19th, 2007, 06:13
Dude that's crazy the same thing happens to me.

nice man, we're like born-to-be stoners. lol

February 21st, 2007, 23:01
Maaan I've beeen freakin out about the same thing. I always glance to see 4:20. But naaah I never tried any tranquilizers. I just think they're a little too dangerous for me. Thats why I put them under my should be illegal list. Unless you want to tranquilize a horse.

Cap'n 1time
February 22nd, 2007, 06:28
hmm. My old schools dinner time was at 4:20

my sisters birthday was on 4/20 and she was born at 4:20 AM

The bottom of the "broken" Dreamcast i bought on ebay 6 months ago curiously has "420" written on the bottom of the case in red ink.

February 22nd, 2007, 14:26
SCRIPT IDEA!!! incorporate the number 420!

February 22nd, 2007, 19:27
SCRIPT IDEA!!! incorporate the number 420!

February 22nd, 2007, 19:52
hey dude i like to think i'm a good writer, could you pm me the script so far?