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View Full Version : New tool converts your Apple apps to HTML5

February 6th, 2013, 13:49
Intel Developer Blog: Softtalkblog reports on a new tool from Intel that helps you to translate your Apple iOS apps into HTML5

Legacy code is both an opportunity and a challenge. The opportunity exists if it’s possible to reuse the code to save time on future projects or to take an existing app into new markets. The challenge is that the code is often in a format that hinders that.
This isn’t a new phenomenon. It dates back to the start of the mass market games industry, when the same game would often be written twice from scratch for the Commodore and the Spectrum home computers. The market moves quickly today, though, and developers need to find effective ways to make their past code pay its way.

Many developers have created apps using Objective-C to target Apple iOS devices, such as the iPhone and the iPad. The problem is that this code is very specific to those devices, and cannot be used directly when developing apps for the Ultrabook (http://intel.ly/VPflB7), Android (http://intel.ly/WE6BMW)devices, or other non-Apple devices.
Developers want to have a presence on as wide a range of platforms as possible, to increase brand awareness and revenues and squeeze out competition, but it can often feel like they’re rewriting the same game over and over again, which is mind-numbingly boring.
Now, there is a new solution to this problem in the shape of a tool from Intel, currently in beta, called the Intel HTML5 App Porter Tool (http://intel.ly/VPfQLr).
