View Full Version : Ouya to release new model every year

February 7th, 2013, 20:56
Double Fine and Words with Friends co-creator Paul Bettner developing for $99 console

New versions of tny Android console Ouya will be released on a yearly basis, the company’s CEO has said.
Speaking to Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/07/ouya-annual/), Julie Uhrman said the firm would be following a strategy similar to mobile companies, and launch a new iteration every year.

Uhrman added the idea of releasing annually was to make sure it could include new faster processors, as well as taking advantage of the drop in price for various features.
Despite the plan to release annually, she stated that all future consoles would be backward-compatabile, with games tied to users in a similar way to digital distribution platform Steam – rather than tied to specific hardware.
“Our strategy is very much similar to the mobile strategy,” said Uhrman. “There will be a new Ouya every year. There will be an Ouya 2 and an Ouya 3.”
