View Full Version : How To Bypass iOS 6.1 Passcode Lock And View iPhone

February 15th, 2013, 13:49

Hackers able to access contacts and photos in minutes.
Earlier this week, Vodafone warned iPhone users to boycott iOS 6.1 (http://www.mobile-ent.biz/news/read/vodafone-warns-iphone-users-to-shun-ios-6-1/020548) due to Apple's latest operating system causing signal failure that inhibits 4S owners from accessing calls, texts, and the web.
Apple Insider (http://appleinsider.com/articles/13/02/14/new-security-hole-in-apples-ios-61-lets-anyone-bypass-an-iphones-lockscreen) now reports another 6.1 fail, which allows anyone to pass the locked screen of a handset running the OS, immediately granting the crook to access contacts, photos, and voicemail.
The hack involves tricking the phone into thinking it's being powered down before calling and cancelling an emergency number a couple of times to gain access. A similar unlock flaw was revealed with Siri opening 4Ss to unauthorised users. (http://www.mobile-ent.biz/news/read/me-can-i-use-some-else-s-locked-iphone-siri-be-my-guest/015910)