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View Full Version : The rise of Linux as a gaming platform

February 15th, 2013, 13:53
http://media.edge-online.com/wp-content/uploads/edgeonline/2013/02/linux02.jpg (http://media.edge-online.com/wp-content/uploads/edgeonline/2013/02/linux02.jpg)
Linux has never been considered a player in gaming, but it’s never had a supporter like Valve before. Having publicly declared the recently released Windows 8 “a giant sadness [that] just hurts everybody in the PC business”, Gabe Newell is throwing his company’s weight behind not only legitimising the platform for games, but creating a new Linux-based console that will bring it to the living room: the Steam Box.Valve has several reasons to make this happen. Traditionally, PC gaming has been bound up with Microsoft and its technologies, such as Windows, DirectX and DOS. Love or hate Windows 8 and its shift to a more tablet-focused design, it’s been a cold reminder to everyone of exactly who owns the platform, and the attempted migration to a more locked-down world of Microsoft apps and services hasn’t been popular.
