View Full Version : SCummVM CVS Release 17th April 2005

April 17th, 2005, 22:56
Erwan the webmaster of the excellent DC France website has posted news of a new release of ScummVM for the Dreamcast, check out this topic on DC France`s forums -->: http://forum.dc-france.com/viewtopic.php?t=146

Thanks to JMD on IRC efnet #dcemu for the news ;)

April 18th, 2005, 06:47
w00ty pants. Time to mess with this sucker. :D

EDIT: It just freezes at the Sega screen when I try to selfboot it. :(

April 18th, 2005, 19:25
It's been a while since the last CVS build from Erwan, any improvements MetaFox?

EDIT: The scummvm.bin is scrambled so renaming to 1st_read should work, I've just checked all the '.plg' files, those are scrambled too, on the previous working releases they were unscrambled. I checked them in a hexeditor and it seems that the '.plg' files are renamed unscrambled '.elf' files in the working releases, I'm going to unscramble all the ones for this release and give it a go to see if that works.

April 19th, 2005, 23:22
WTF? Why you try to change the modules? The main scummvm app load one of those when needed, why you mess modifing then, what do you try with that? I think that those stuff not needed to be modified since isn't loaded at beginning, or am I wrong?

April 20th, 2005, 22:25
Unscrambed '.plg' files don't work either, this release isn't working - unless we've missed something completely obvious!.