View Full Version : What's the most unreasonable price you ever paid for a video game, used or otherwise.

February 18th, 2007, 11:57
Impatience is my enemy. How much would you be willing to pay for two sonic games to finish off your sonic game cube collection?

I became sonic fan early on in the 16 bit days however when sega first went under. being a prideful fan as I am. I never bought sonic dx and sonic battle for the game cube.
As at that time I had them for the dreamcast in the form of sonic adventure 1 and 2.
But as you know. Some things just wont hold up well with time. In fact at the first signs of sega's downfall like an idiot i sold my dc on ebay and made a nice chunk of change. however. This came at a high cost as I never experienced Dc homebrew. (Sad face)

Anyhoo My psp more then makes up for what i may have missed in the Dc scene, in my opinion anyway.

SO here the deal. being the sonic fan that I am. I continued on and purchased the later sonic installments for the game cube. The sonic mega collection, Sonic heroes, Shadow the hedgehog,( WHICH IS A GOOD GAME DAMMIT!). But never was i able to find sonic dx and sonic adventure 2 battle for the game cube. I had hit up bargain bins, Game shops. all to no avail. Until I remembered A friend of mine had those two games. I promptly go to visit him. in which I tell him my predicament.
He gladly allows me to borrow the games at which point i take them home. play them. Call him back and ask him how much. He says there not for sale. I say 50 bucks. He says sold.
And now im the proud owner of the most expensive (used) game cube games on planet earth.

And ya know what. Id do it again if I had to. I love sonic that damned much.

February 18th, 2007, 11:59
60 pounds for wwf royal rumble on snes. but i completed within 5 hours and took the bugger back for a refund

was a crap game

February 18th, 2007, 12:57
Ummm.... I can't really remember but I payed £30 for a GBC game before, which was crap and I took it back.

February 18th, 2007, 13:02
a japanese import of final fantasy XII which cost me 65 pounds due to it's apparent 'rareness' and for the posting -_-

February 18th, 2007, 13:05
lol, I could list almost every game Ive bought because in Australia we get extremely ripped off for any game. Some 360 games sell for $119 AUD here.

February 18th, 2007, 14:04
I bought a GBC game that really sucked, but it was new, for $20. I hated it so the next day i took it back and they said they would trade it in as a used game for 25 cents... I couldn't return it anymore because I opened it.
Also, i bought a nes for $35 which is more than what ps1's sell for now...
I bought a gamecube for $70, and that was about 2 months before I got my Wii.

February 18th, 2007, 14:16
shadowprophet I could have sworn I've seen sonic dx and sonic adventure 2 battle at Gamestop a few time lately.

The most I've ever gotten ripped off was when I bought Chrono Trigger in box for $18 XD

Seriously, I rarely will overspend on a game (if I have ever done so.)

February 18th, 2007, 14:41
lets see, i paid somewhere in the 70 range for xenogears on the PS1.

February 18th, 2007, 14:52
$40 for FFVII. I do believe I posted it in DCEmu at a time, correct?

February 18th, 2007, 15:16
$60 for Guilty Gear XX #Reload on the PSP (Import). I was tired of Guilty Gear Judgment's delays, so I did it. A few months later, the newest GG game (At the time) got packaged with Judgment (In Japan). Boy, was I mad.

February 18th, 2007, 16:37
Rainbow Six Lockdown for PC brandnew for 10 bucks at a store called Harts i seen it at EB for 29.99 and of course a bunch other games i got free cause they were gifts for christmas how lucky can you be lol.


February 18th, 2007, 16:49
Suikoden PSX £66 Ebay. extremely rare tho.

February 18th, 2007, 17:12
Back in the day when Funcoland existed, I went in to find a copy of Street Fighter Alpha 3. They had it brand new for $39. I asked if they had a used one and they said they did. I asked the price and they said $49. I was like wtf?!! :eek:

Also the same place, when the N64 came out, all of the N64 games were at least $90. Cept for Star Wars Shadows of the Empire. That was around $120 new.

February 18th, 2007, 17:16
Panzer Dragoon Saga - $200
Shining force III - $100

Old Saturn games, at least the good ones, are super expensive!

February 18th, 2007, 17:33
$70(canadian) for full auto 2 battle lines for ps3 and only played it 5 times...

And i was at ebgames one day looking for a ps2 game and i seen a game there was 2 copys of it on the shelf one was $19 and the outher was $119...lol

February 18th, 2007, 20:04
What about Valkyrie Profile for psx. That game is butt loads of money. Well, i'm not sure anymore because of the extremely well done one for psp. That is a nice clean good rpg.

February 18th, 2007, 20:09
Dragonball gt final bout import with action replay cost me $78 US, that was years ago.

February 18th, 2007, 20:52
I mean, lately i've been spending 50-60$ because of the PS3 and stuff. Other than that, about $40 for ps2/p. I never really spent too much on games unless i knew they were really great.

February 18th, 2007, 21:40
I got a GOOD deal that's unreasonable (for them). My friend gave me a snes system with donkey kong country, donkey kong country two, Super Mario World, Mega Man X and MMX3 for some Yugioh card. It was like Blue eyes dragon or something. :| It was apparently a good card (I wasn't too into trading cards though) But I didn't know it was that good.

I also recently bought viewtiful joe for 1.99 at EB. I thought the game was worth more.

Expensive wise I gave $70 and some a few video games (I'm pretty sure it was Mario Party 3 and Goldeneye 007) for smrpg

February 18th, 2007, 22:15
$130.00 CAD for Street Fighter 2: World Warrior (SNES) from Toys'R'Us.

February 18th, 2007, 23:08
£350 for a Wii. I was desperate.

February 19th, 2007, 00:28
70$ for a saturn. I later saw a similar auction but with more games for the same price.

February 19th, 2007, 00:59
LoL 2 Days ago i bought Pro Evo 2 For £1.50 from gamestation. Pro Evo 1 was 50p lol. And thats about the most expencive game i have bought for myself cos my mum buys mine, hehe

February 19th, 2007, 18:07
I got Street Fighter II the original on its English re;ease from the local "Currys" for the reasonable price of £65!!! and Mortal Kombat II was £55.

February 19th, 2007, 19:03
£79.99 LylatWars (StarFox64) w/ RumblePack, my dad bought it for me when he bought me my N64 back in 1998 so that does'nt count

£59.99 Goemon - Mystical Ninja

£34.99 LocoRoco - traded it 2 weeks later and got £18 trade-in

£46.99 WiiPlay (I wanted the Wii-Remote)

500 WiiPoints Wario'sWoods (it's CRAP) :p