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View Full Version : Rumor: Halo 4

February 19th, 2007, 17:27
via kotaku (http://kotaku.com/gaming/bungie/rumor-halo-4-confirmed-237828.php)

It looks like Halo 4 might have just been accidentally confirmed, not that news of a sequel to the Xbox 360's top exclusive would be surprising at all.

The Bungie guys were kind enough to donate a voice cameo in Halo 3 for non-profit Hollywood Arts, a group that "reaches homeless young people through the arts." But in the description of the official eBay auction for the cameo it seems that some legumes were spilled.

Voiceover will be recorded at Blindlight Studios in Hollywood, CA before May 15, 2007 or this package will have to redeemed for Halo 4.

While this seems pretty straight forward, I suppose it's possible the Hollywood Arts people jumped to some conclusions when they said there was a Halo 4, but I sorta doubt it.

Bungie has stated that Halo 3 will finish story arc, but there could be more games set in the halo universe (Halo Wars anyone)


the description has been rewritten with the only change being "If you miss this deadline, this opportunity becomes applicable to a future Bungie project".

So it looks like it was just a mistake

update 2:

From Bungie (http://www.bungie.net/News/Story.aspx?cid=9572)

The cameo is for Halo 3, and the timeframe is tight, although the “wit” who wrote the eBay copy originally joked that if you don’t make the session in time, you’d have to end up in Halo 4. Note that was NOT an announcement, but rather a sad clunker of a gag.

February 19th, 2007, 17:52
I would prefer a game about the Forerunners before we get a 4th Master Chief episode. (Didn't Bungie say a game about the Forerunners was probably going to happen after Halo 3.)

February 19th, 2007, 22:42
i don't realy care what it's about. more jumpy shooty action.