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View Full Version : Total War dev: PCs in danger as new consoles approach is "ridiculous" notion

March 6th, 2013, 01:06
"People always bang on about PC dying", Dom Starr, the campaign designer of Total War: Rome 2, told Eurogamer.People started banging on about PC dying after publishers turned their backs on desktops when this generation - PS3, Wii and Xbox 360 - began. Console-led development - even multi-platform development - was all the rage.Today of course it's a different matter: the PC gaming scene is bursting with life (and money) and the PC versions are the ones publishers brag about.http://images.eurogamer.net/2013/articles/1/5/6/1/4/1/2/136248597685.jpg/EG11/resize/300x-1/quality/91"Ridiculous."

But there's a new console generation kicking off proper this Christmas. Creative Assembly's Total War series weathered the last storm - does Dom Starr see rough seas ahead now?"I don't think PC is in any danger of dying," Starr answered. "I think that's ridiculous."If anything, the fact that the new console, PS4, seems to pretty much be an adapted PC just goes to show that the platform is strong and [we're] likely to not see the death of it any time soon."Total War is one example of a "very different" gaming experience available on PC, Starr highlighted. But could Total War be on console?Series overseer Mike Simpson told me (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-07-13-the-future-of-total-war) it wasn't an issue of controller input holding Total War back from console: it was an issue of raw machine power.Cue PlayStation 4 which, among other impressive components, features a whopping 8GB of GDDR5 RAM. How about Total War on console now?"I believe the canned-response to that tends to be it's always something that's being considered and it's a possibility, but beyond that no comment," responded Dom Starr."Personally I think it would be nice to have Total War on console, get the experience to people who aren't necessarily PC gamers."He added: "You'd have to adapt a fair bit if for a joypad controller. Something like the Wii U might be easier to do some - drawing battle lines, moving the units around in a bit more of an organic way."
