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View Full Version : Microsoft wants Kinect small, cheap and in laptops

March 6th, 2013, 23:05
Microsoft has suggested that its plans for the Kinect camera include laptops and tablets, and has shown off a slimmer and smaller version of the device.
"You want to be as cheap as possible and physically as small as possible," Craig Mundie, senior advisor to the CEO at Microsoft, told The Verge (http://www.theverge.com/2013/3/5/4065872/kinect-built-into-displays-future-laptop-integration)
"My dream is to get a Kinect into the bezel of something like this [Surface tablet]." He added that the company can also "see a path towards" including the technology in laptops, despite the technical difficulties that such a task represented.
The report also hinted that the reporter had seen a Kinect 2, featuring a smaller, more slender sensor, but Microsoft refused to confirm that it was in fact the next-generation version of the device. Industry rumours have suggested that the next-generation Xbox will come equipped with a new and improved Kinect camera.
In fact the latest leaks (http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/digitalfoundry-durango-kinect-specs-leak_5) on the new Microsoft machine list better resolution, a new infra-red sensor, an upgrade to USB 3.0 and better colour and depth streams.
