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View Full Version : Wanna share you're xmb waves?

February 20th, 2007, 06:11
Hey -- I've been experimenting around with different hexes and such for the xmb wave, but never found one that I really liked; and I figured some people HAVE found and/or have created or have found some pretty awesome waves.

So could anyone post their wave rco's that they use and or like? I'd like to see some awesome ones, and see what this community can do.

February 20th, 2007, 06:40
Remember kids: If you can't replace it with "you are," you shouldn't use "you're"

i hate to troll, but that gets on my nerves :P

February 20th, 2007, 06:55
happy, Juggaleaux?

Sorry that PERFECT spelling and grammar isn't my exact goal when going to forums; at least I'm not using l33t speak, TRYING to sound cool.

No worries though. I've (I have) done the same thing.

February 20th, 2007, 07:47
mother ƒucka did not feed me

February 20th, 2007, 07:59
Please post on what the topic is asking. You all get warnings!

February 20th, 2007, 08:08
This is the current wave on my PSP15967

February 20th, 2007, 16:20
^could you give me the file for that one please?

February 20th, 2007, 17:01
Here ya go!
Edit- I think it may be illegal to pass them around as it is decrypted Official Sony property.

February 20th, 2007, 17:27
how did you get the battery meter that color?

Also i think its safe to share custom waves as long as it isn't the sony ps3 rip one.......

February 20th, 2007, 17:35
that wave is nice...

February 20th, 2007, 17:37
how did you get the battery meter that color?

Also i think its safe to share custom waves as long as it isn't the sony ps3 rip one.......

You can make them yourself now..

There is a editing tool out.

So EVERYONE is making them.

February 20th, 2007, 17:40
You can make them yourself now..

There is a editing tool out.

So EVERYONE is making them.

a tool? What is it called. I hear you need to hex edit. I can't really be bothered doing something so trivial as that :o

I'm on 3.10OE-A', will most of the custom stuff work. I know that topmenu_plugin.RCO is not supported.

February 20th, 2007, 17:40
how did you get the battery meter that color?

Have a look HERE (http://dl.qj.net/XMB-battery-edit-PSP-Homebrew-Applications/pg/12/fid/12808/catid/151) gunn you can download the XMB battery Editor

February 20th, 2007, 17:44
I just want some custom waves is all.

@splodger15, thanks for the battery editor :D

Does anyone know of a site where there are alot of waves for download?

February 20th, 2007, 17:46

There is a section for it.



You can edit RCO's with this. Even subicons with the Top_menu.

You make Battery icon with the RCO too.


For waves you need a hex editor, you just can go wild really (not too wild or it wont show)

February 21st, 2007, 08:19
Ther was a tut video in youtube. Using PhotoShop. BTW GUn wat anime is ur sig. :P

February 21st, 2007, 09:19
Here's the wave then!

February 21st, 2007, 12:36
HERE (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=53541) is my one.

If anyone is looking for lots of different one i suggest looking HERE (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-release-tgawave-custom-wave-texture-injector-95472.html) there is over 80 pages of waves.

Method Man
February 22nd, 2007, 13:05
HERE (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=53541) is my one.

If anyone is looking for lots of different one i suggest looking HERE (http://forums.qj.net/f-psp-development-forum-11/t-release-tgawave-custom-wave-texture-injector-95472.html) there is over 80 pages of waves.

could you upload the waves with the vista bachground please? loolin' thight