View Full Version : Automatic Link converts your iPhone into a personal driving assistant

March 12th, 2013, 23:39
http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2013/03/automaticadapter_620x340.jpgThat OBD II port (http://www.engadget.com/2011/01/04/griffin-gets-an-iphone-all-up-in-your-cars-obd-ii-port-with-the/) that has been installed on just about every US-bound automobile since 1996? It's potential has just been tapped. For years, ambiguous dashboard lights have clued motorists in on internal issues, but driving to a body shop just to borrow a data port reader is so last decade. Enter the Automatic Link -- a simplistic nub that plugs into said port and utilizes Bluetooth 4.0 to connect to your iPhone 4S (http://www.engadget.com/2011/10/12/iphone-4s-claims-title-of-first-bluetooth-4-0-smartphone-ready/) or 5 (prior iPhones use older versions of the BT stack). Once linked, it'll monitor your driving habits and routes, sending gentle reminders to not brake so suddenly or accelerate so quickly in a bid to save fuel. Moreover, it'll dial 911 and alert your relatives should you get in an accident, and perhaps most intriguingly, it'll send full diagnostic reports to your iPhone whenever a warning indicator lights up. Heck, it'll let you clear the code through your phone once you've remedied whatever has gone wrong.