View Full Version : "Get a life!" the true meaning.

February 21st, 2007, 21:31
when someone says to me "get a life you: Fat *******, prick, fat mole, mole boy etc etc" i laugh in their faces (:rofl: ). you know why? i have found out exactly how contradictory this statement is. the way i define having a life is the achievement of self fulfillment and having the balls to do what you want and be who you want. the people who say this to me are generally the "cool" ones, about 50% of my year, and are a bunch of conformist *******s who can't think for themselves and thus feel obliged to do what will make them popular, not really being/doing what they want. the hilarious irony is that the people who don't have lives are the very same ones that tell everyone else to get one. to them "get a life" really means "conform", they are trying to put others under social pressure in order to take their lives away, in a bid to make themselves feel better about their own sad little excuses for lives. in essence they are a bunch of hypocrites and they are to ignorant to realise that, because all they do is follow others like a bunch of sheep. i came up with a formula for the happy life:

N+S=L (non-conformist+self fulfillment=a good life)

Rant over.

February 21st, 2007, 22:12

non-conformism is impossible!

so is self!

sorry... you're revealed by your attempts to justify!!!

February 21st, 2007, 22:18
i told like thousands of people like that,, it was funny

February 21st, 2007, 22:19
of course it's impossible to not conform completely, obviously there will be paralells between yourself and others (eg we are all on the same site here, we all like games etc etc) but that doesn't mean joining something just for the freakin hell of it. btw explain more on points after this, your post is unclear. also, self fullfillment, to a degree, is possible. i'm pretty content right now. i have a new console, i'm feeling about 87.63% fulfilled right now!

February 21st, 2007, 22:26
you seem contented by others...

where is self?

how are others contenting!

how is self content with self if you indeed o know of self?

what is content, but a construct of ourselves!!!

February 21st, 2007, 22:29
wha...i'm contented by others yes, but content means not conformist. btw self is in a chair writing this message now lol!

February 21st, 2007, 22:34
no self just result!

content does not equal conform? different topic!

perhaps self is found in others...but then are others found in self...

aha! large sig cause bad back!

February 22nd, 2007, 13:37
my sig? i'm pretty content with my sig being so large, i see myself in others, but rarely. all things are matter compressed to a slow vibration haha!

February 22nd, 2007, 17:39
The best thing to do is when you get called this names. Do not have nothing from no one fight back if you have to. Then that way they probaly will not call you it again.

February 22nd, 2007, 20:01
don't seem to work with me! i just make them feel stupid and inadequate. i suppose this is fighting back in a defensive way...

February 22nd, 2007, 20:03
Suppose. Aslong as you are standing up for yourself in one way or the other. You sould be ok.

February 22nd, 2007, 20:09
ye fight the power!!