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February 22nd, 2007, 11:19
update on strmnnrmn's blog: (http://strmnnrmn.blogspot.com/)

Plans for R10

Now that R9 is finally available, I'm ready to start making plans for R10. Firstly, I really don't want to leave it so long between releases again. The longer I leave between releases, the more hype builds up, and the harder it is to meet people's expectations. I prefer the idea of doing fairly frequent, incremental releases rather than relasing versions with huge sets of changes periodically.

So I'm currently planning to release R10 sometime around the end of March. The question is, what should I focus on?

The areas which clearly need lots of work are speed and compatibility. Unfortunately it's a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation - if the emulator runs slowly, it doesn't matter if certains roms don't run, because they'd still be unplayable. On the other hand, there's no point in having an ultra-fast emulator if it doesn't run the games people want to play. As I see it, I have to keep working on both of these things - in the long term, it doesn't make sense to concentrate on one and not the other.

I think the best approach is to alternate on work between the two areas. R9 saw significant speed improvements, but almost no progress with compatibility, so I'm currently leaning towards trying to get a few of the more popular titles running. But you're the ones who are going to be using the emulator, so I want to hear your views on what I should work on next.

Please reply to this post with your opinions on what I should work on next. Have a good play with R9 to see what's changed - maybe some things are working better than you expected. Maybe some things are no longer working? Here are a few suggestions:

Speed. Make it faster generally? Is there a specific game that runs slowly which you'd like to see an improvement with?
Compatibility. Should I work on FlashRAM support? Is there a specific game that doesn't boot, or crashes the emulator? Does your favourite game boot, but then crash when you try to start playing?
Audio. The audio support is quite new. Are there certain games where it doesn't work? Should I try to improve the audio so it's less choppy?
Graphics. Maybe your favourite game runs, but there are significant graphical glitches?

Save Games. Save game support is currently 'in' for EEPROM and MemPak based saves, but very flaky. Should I work on improving this so you don't lose your hard-earned progress?
Savestate. Would it be better for me to implement savestate support, so you can save an resume a game at any point?
As I mentioned earlier, I'm going to be away all next week, but I'll try to post as many comments as I can before then. When I get back I'll work through the comments and announce what I'm going to concentrate on for R10


February 22nd, 2007, 11:40
There would be a few small things, besides compatability, speed, and audio that i'd like fixed.

First, is it possible to allow the psp to go into sleep mode during game play? When I try it, the psp gets messed up and I have to turn it off.

Second, ....i have to go, i'll post later. :P

ok, now that i'm back...

Second, is there any way to play audio, on event or trigger, rather than streaming it with the graphics? I think that would help improve the sound quality a lot...


Fourth, i'd work on compatability first. Just go through people's compat lists and look at the games most in demand and attempt to get them all unfrozen. Once you do that, you'll have a much easier time coding the rest of the textures and such i believe.

On the other hand, if you work on the speed and sound of the games that work at the moment, you could keep everyone busy while you improve the rest of the games, or maybe the rest of the games won't work with your speedup code for the games that already work!

I have no idea, i don't program emulators :(

Fifth would be frameskip. At least 2 frameskip would cut down the smooth a little bit and increase the speed. It works very well with SNES and could work well with this too.

Sixth, I see some of my global settings don't get saved, don't know why, but w/e...maybe it's just me...

And Finally, seventh, savestates would be a last resort/project. Heck(ll), the snes savestates dont even work for me and i'm fine with using normal save points. The only bad thing is games without save features...

PS - regarding the rom selection, could you make it so the joystick does nothing, rather than scroll fast, because my joystick is just SLIGHTLY off and it makes it continuously scroll down. like, make the d-pad do the movement: like make a tap be one list item down, and make hold be in place of the joystick

thanks again blasdhfa;sldjf

February 22nd, 2007, 11:51
id like to see more compatibility and speed im not that bothered about sound aslong as i see goldeneye 007 playable im happy lol this sounds like hard work for strmnNrmn but lets see what peoples overall results are for strmnNrmn to work on.

what would be cool, if the n64 emulator could be coded into the PSPs flash0?? or flash1?? files or am i wrong? then convert n64 roms to eboots but then u would need a certain eboot converter like how the psx eboots work. Thinking to far ahead i know just a thought and its prob a big risk resulting to bricking psp lol hey why doesnt strmnNrmn get coding with dark alex?

February 22nd, 2007, 12:09
you could release 2 versions: one WITH sound (slower but sound support) and one WITHOUT sound (much faster, no sound). That would be really good.

February 22nd, 2007, 12:15
you could release 2 versions: one WITH sound (slower but sound support) and one WITHOUT sound (much faster, no sound). That would be really good.

You can disable sound (recommended)
Golden eye is probably ages away from working.

StrmnNrmn said sound was better the faster the game ran so I think porting the sound into the PSP's ME processor would be great as games would not need the main computer to get the sound going.
Another thing would be Frame skipping. I skip 3 out of 10 (I think it is based on 10's) on SNES_TYL and it still looks and feels fantastic.

February 22nd, 2007, 12:18
you could release 2 versions: one WITH sound (slower but sound support) and one WITHOUT sound (much faster, no sound). That would be really good. Good idea but then it will be more work for StrmnNrmn and then maybe a late release or if he does one release of one then one not long after.

February 22nd, 2007, 12:23
Well the audio was a big step and shows real promise with the recent release of R9. I would love to see audio continued to be worked on.

As far as specific games, I would love to see Zelda to continue to show improvements in the same way Mario 64 has. Zelda still seems to have some graphical glitches.

I would say focus on a few games that are obviously in high demand/popularity and try to tweak the Emulator to run those games as perfect as possible and then from there continue to optimize to allow other games to run.

I'd rather have just 1 or 2 games work full speed than have dozens of games work but with glitches or too slow to enjoy.

February 22nd, 2007, 12:32
ide like compatibility to be increased, so i can get into gameplay in super smash bros.... thats all i care for to be honest.


February 22nd, 2007, 12:38
I think you should release more frequent updates - you'll please the patient intelligent users and hopefully lose some of the idiopts who think a new release means full-speed full-compatibilty full-audio mulitiplayability... loving Mario on R9 btw :)

February 22nd, 2007, 12:48
well the games I really want is bajo tooie, zelda oot, paper mario, donkey kong 64, and thoose ae the ones on my top list

February 22nd, 2007, 13:05
all i want is mario 64 to run and I think a lot of people want that . if you cant increase speed on all games at once it would be good if just one could be run at full speed and mario 64 is probably the best choice .
in my honest opinion I dont see any sense in having many games running at 50 - 75 percent speed because many users of dadaelus (spelling?) wont use it at all. I deleted it once I checked the speed on R8 , I may play R9 a little more but it probably wont hold my a ttention for too long . if it was full speed ( sound is a huge bonus) i would would keep it .
great job by the way .

February 22nd, 2007, 13:23
You should focus on getting Goldeneye working. I believe that if you get this game working, some other games work better too.

Goldeneye is the most anticipated game to play on the PSP... For me and many others...

February 22nd, 2007, 13:33
All I really want is goldeneye working at a reasonable speed with sound (was very disserpointed it stil wasnt working on R9 :( ), if that happns on the next release I'll be very happy. For me goldeneye is my most antisipated game to play on my psp probably because it's my favourite game of all time. I still play it with my mates on my N64 its a classic!

ps, multiplayer over wifi would be cool for goldeneye as well but i guess one thing at a time lol

February 22nd, 2007, 14:01
I think the main focus should be on speed. It is a lot more useful if you have a few games running at full speed than many games running at 5fps or so.
Moreover I think that sound isn't that important. Most of the time when I'm playing my psp the sound is turned off (well I'm always playing at school under my desk so if I turned the sound on I would get into real trouble...)

February 22nd, 2007, 14:10
A fully playable Super Smash Bros. would rock.

But lets just stick to Mario for now :).

February 22nd, 2007, 14:17
this emulator came a long way,and may i say what a hell of a job its a damn good piece of work.i was thinking that u should talk to the makers of the latest snes emulator about moving the sound to media engine .what i like to see for r10

1.more compatibilty:thumbup:
2.smoother speed:)
3.frame skip option:D
4.better sound:p

February 22nd, 2007, 14:24
I hope Strmn is reading this :)

First of all thank you for ur hard work on this emulator! I know it's been quiet some time since u released rev. 8 but I can imagine u had a lot to do :) do ya study at university? ;)

What u should work on? Speed of course!!!! :)

Cuz if u try to make games boot n play that didn't in previous releases but those r still almost unplayable because of the performane of the emulator this'd just suck. So getting the emulator to a reasonable framerate should have the highest priority ...


Howling Mad Murdock

Basil Zero
February 22nd, 2007, 14:40
i would say speed over compatibility

speed would play a major role in terms of future projects being able to be tested.

its kind of a pain to wait for the intro to play through slow on a game in other words, i would say audio and speed first than on compatability, another reason why is, if that is accomplished, some of the games like Super Mario 64(which is close to perfect) can be fully playable, and while that happens, he can work on compatiability while the gamers play out 1-3 working games.

February 22nd, 2007, 15:01
Speed should be your top priority. What good is it to be able to play every game at 5fps? Also savestate would be nice. Keep up the good work :thumbup:

February 22nd, 2007, 15:03
I would also say speed increase over compatibility.

Only few N64 titles worth emulation for me, and they are praticaly all working quite good with R9.

Zelda, Quest, Mario, Mystical ninja Goemon.. and some other not working right now, golden eye, Turok,

I wonder if the issue with Daedulus compatibility vs speed is similar with the discontinued n64 emulator for pc ; Corn. This emu was able to emulate mario and some other games at full speed + audio on a small p3 computer, even with out a good grapic card! However, only few games were correctly emulated.. Project 64 arrived, giving a huge compatibilty, corn devellopment stopped around that time..

When sound was diseable, mario was running at something like 120 fps! :P

''Corn v0.3, Corn has a small compatiblity but remains the fastest N64 emulator ever. It can run some games on a Pentium 200Mhz at full speed''

''This used to be without a doubt the fastest Nintendo 64 emulator available at that time(and it is?). It ran at full speed, with full sound on my old Pentium 233 with 3DFX Voodoo 1. Imagine what Corn can do on a system way more powerfull than that...
Unfortunately it isn't very accurate though. Both of the games I played (Super Mario 64 and WaveRace) showed some serious emulation defects. But those defects didn't make the games unplayable fortunately.''

corn playable game list : http://thecpy.emulation64.com/thelastresort/corn_playable.htm

February 22nd, 2007, 15:30
Zelda, Mario 64, Super Smash Bro's are my personal picks as to games to work on. Perhaps there are more prominent titles, but I think to keep your audience you should have some games working near 100%. Popular titles mean loyal playerbase.

February 22nd, 2007, 15:53
^^^ i agree with those games. PLEASE ADD FRAMESKIP!!!

February 22nd, 2007, 16:08
Speed, and sound ported to ME! And thanks for all the hard work!!

February 22nd, 2007, 16:11
I would say keep working on the speed.I wouldn´t mind better sound support either.
Great job on this emu!!!

February 22nd, 2007, 17:30
Snowboard kids works, but it is very slow. Id like to see Diddy Kong racing work, I havent tested that game. I havent tested 1080 snowboarding yet either.

February 22nd, 2007, 17:43
Well first off I would like to say that the improvements in R9 are worlds ahead of where they were - Thank you very much for all your hard work on this emulator - I am impessed with the progress (took a while but worth the wait).
Secondly - If i had any kind of voice in this matter I'd say speed and game save support would be a pretty good direction to go in. I would like to see games running at full speed even if sound needs to be disabled to achieve this or frameskipping implementation - sound will come in time - I'm sure. I've used Azimer's plugin in pj64 - but i think the Jabo audio plugin 1.6 produces better quality sound (I don't know if this means anything just figured I'd say that.)
Thirdly - My favorite N64 games are Zelda OOT and Majora's Mask,Banjo Kazooie and Tooie, and Pokemon Puzzle League Challenge.

Anyway thanks again for all your hard work. Lookin' Good!! :thumbup:

February 22nd, 2007, 18:10
I would like to see Killer Instinct the most :)

About what to focus on, to know that there's so much room for improvement yet is the best news, I would suggest get better speed over compatibility, I mean, get Mario Kart, Mario 64, Quest, etc working great first, so that we can start playing them, then improve compatibility so that we can play other games when we are done with those :D

February 22nd, 2007, 18:12
Speed over compatibility for me. Much rather have a small number of games working at full speed first. Then work can begin on other games etc.

Great work btw.

February 22nd, 2007, 18:58
great work! I would just like to see mario run full speed with good sound right now I get about 15-16 fps and it looks like there was some kind of shadow around the hat on mario

February 22nd, 2007, 19:05
DO NOT WORK ON SAVESTATES. There is no point in doing that because the speed and sound arent good enough for a majority of people to actually go through a game. . . .

I'd like to see speed improvements with audio and Perfect Dark loading up!

February 22nd, 2007, 19:43
I favor speed over compatibility also. Were there graphical improvements made to games that were already working well (mario 64?) or is it just me? Also, kudos to fixing the texturing problems. I haven't seen ANY purple and black spots yet.

As far as games to have working fast, Super Smash Bros, Mario 64,and Pokemon Stadium (or Pokemon Stadium 2) Getting even one of those running near full speed would be awesome

February 22nd, 2007, 19:51
rare games such as goldeneye, banjo 2, conker all don't boot. i'd like to see these playable, however i think optimising it speedwise is the main thing to concentrate on. there's no point in being able to play 10 games slow when you coould be playing 2 or 3 fast.

February 22nd, 2007, 20:42
i think u need to mainly focus on speed and sound and also riliabilty but the most thing is Speed then sound. thank you for ur hard work !!!!!

February 22nd, 2007, 20:48
Hmm... i believe increasing the speed is the utmost important thing to keep people happy because like one said have the few games run really fast and they will be busy with that and later down the road work on compatibility. For example look at the gameboy advance emulator when it first came out the gpsp ran super fast with a couple of games and then the games that wasn't so fast just wasn't stable but it had a more postive thing going on there. So speed first and that automatically should improve the sound quality because running a game slow would have the audio bad too. Also why bother increasing compatibility if the game you just made work wouldn't be playable to anyone imo.

February 22nd, 2007, 20:57
Im thinking a little of both, add some more speed, and also compatability.

Some games i would like to see run/run faster: Banjo games (1 and 2), Pokemon Snap (plz =P), pokemon stadiums, diddy kong racing (runs but theres no graphics...well some not alot)

February 22nd, 2007, 21:08
You can get free roms -

mod note-

Don't be a idiot and post warez!

February 22nd, 2007, 21:17
Keep up the great work I'm going to try R9 now.
I say speed is the most important thing to focus on. The most popular games (Zelda and Mario 64) already run, but not full speed yet.

February 22nd, 2007, 21:26
Get one of the wcw/nWo games workin and ill be happy.

February 22nd, 2007, 21:40
try working on resident evil 2

February 22nd, 2007, 21:42
since ived been off constantly, this news is good, i hope it gets better and better

February 22nd, 2007, 21:48
There would be a few small things, besides compatability, speed, and audio that i'd like fixed.

First, is it possible to allow the psp to go into sleep mode during game play? When I try it, the psp gets messed up and I have to turn it off.

Second, ....i have to go, i'll post later. :P

ok, now that i'm back...

Second, is there any way to play audio, on event or trigger, rather than streaming it with the graphics? I think that would help improve the sound quality a lot...


Fourth, i'd work on compatability first. Just go through people's compat lists and look at the games most in demand and attempt to get them all unfrozen. Once you do that, you'll have a much easier time coding the rest of the textures and such i believe.

On the other hand, if you work on the speed and sound of the games that work at the moment, you could keep everyone busy while you improve the rest of the games, or maybe the rest of the games won't work with your speedup code for the games that already work!

I have no idea, i don't program emulators :(

Fifth would be frameskip. At least 2 frameskip would cut down the smooth a little bit and increase the speed. It works very well with SNES and could work well with this too.

Sixth, I see some of my global settings don't get saved, don't know why, but w/e...maybe it's just me...

And Finally, seventh, savestates would be a last resort/project. Heck(ll), the snes savestates dont even work for me and i'm fine with using normal save points. The only bad thing is games without save features...

PS - regarding the rom selection, could you make it so the joystick does nothing, rather than scroll fast, because my joystick is just SLIGHTLY off and it makes it continuously scroll down. like, make the d-pad do the movement: like make a tap be one list item down, and make hold be in place of the joystick

thanks again blasdhfa;sldjf

Hey, HEYYYYYYYYY!!! hold your horses man, this guy is no mage, it's not like asking to the program to code itself.

Anyway, i'd just would like more speed.

(the egg was first, fuk u If u don't believe it)

February 22nd, 2007, 22:30
I say for multiplayer you should make it like the snes emu a psp waits for another psp booting the same rom

February 22nd, 2007, 22:55
What if there were different versions of the emulator to work with different games? That way, speed could be increased while compatibility would only be worried about with a few games.

February 22nd, 2007, 23:18
Hey, HEYYYYYYYYY!!! hold your horses man, this guy is no mage, it's not like asking to the program to code itself.

Anyway, i'd just would like more speed.

(the egg was first, fuk u If u don't believe it)

you hold your horses, i never once said i expected him to do all that in the next release, he asked what i WANTED, not what i expected...

edit - if i had to choose one thing in all of that, it would be frame skip btw...it's a quick-release type speedup for a few of the games that work the best and would keep us busy while you release R11 (if frameskip is hard to program, nvm about the quick release part :P )

February 22nd, 2007, 23:50
you hold your horses, i never once said i expected him to do all that in the next release, he asked what i WANTED, not what i expected...

edit - if i had to choose one thing in all of that, it would be frame skip btw...it's a quick-release type speedup for a few of the games that work the best and would keep us busy while you release R11 (if frameskip is hard to program, nvm about the quick release part :P )

Well you were saying you wanted INFRASTRUCTURE Mode!?
Lets first get the games working before worrying about that.

February 22nd, 2007, 23:54
hmm i just had an idea why not modify it so that it is a gui and will work with popstation??? u now convert each rom to eboot.pbp so it works like that?

February 23rd, 2007, 00:10
StrmnNrmn posted on his blog that if you want him to read your comments, they need to be posted on his blog. He said he will not read the comments from here.

February 23rd, 2007, 00:26
Well you were saying you wanted INFRASTRUCTURE Mode!?
Lets first get the games working before worrying about that.

lol dude that's why i put that in all caps, i was joking, i want that, but i know he will never make that...

dark heart
February 23rd, 2007, 05:21
*work on the ability to save/load to external save spots

*add cheats

*improve texture system

*allow 'quit' option

*speed up, please! -of course!

*allow different sound quality, so it doesn't dramatically down the fps

*please put loading bar for roms so we know when to restart if the rom has stopped.

*work on clipping

*make it stronger, ie more compatible with games

if all this is done the emu will run extremely smoothly.

February 23rd, 2007, 05:54
Is it possible to change the Z button to the L instead of having to use triangle? This would help out immensely in OOT and Starfox.

February 23rd, 2007, 05:58
QUITE POSTING HERE!!! StrmnNrmn is NOT reading this!!!! you have to post at HIS page!!!

February 23rd, 2007, 11:39
i'm still wondering why the person who made this topic posted the message on here, if people weren't supposed to answer back at a brick wall

February 23rd, 2007, 12:09
Woot! Maybe you can make the Perfect N64 Emulator... even better than N64 original Console ;D. The Best thing which you could do is including a "infrastructure" network support... you will need a server on which the other clients connect and can group each other to play with... After they are grouped (Controller 1,2,3,4 per Team) one of the 4 can choose to be host for gaming (so the normal grouping server wont explode). Hope you understood what i mean, but its just a dream i think. Impossible, AND the Emulator should run in fullspeed for this. Maybe someday when coding you will find a genius possibility how to get fullspeed. So continue your damned good work! ;)

P.S. What also would be a nice idea to save CPU speed in the Infrastructure would be implementing PCs as Servers... so you run a Server tool on a PC and when a group is full they will get something like this:
"Input Host IP" or "Host yourself"

February 24th, 2007, 00:05
I think that this emulator is great. I believe that once audio is moved to the ME, that any speed that was lost do to audio being enabled will be fixed. I was amazed to find out that off road challange made it to the menu and vehicle selection screens. This game wont even work on Project 64 for the PC. Dare I say that I think you are on to somthing man :-)

One game that I would like to see working better is wave race 64. My rom gets to the menu but needs work to go ibngame. Also the textures need work.
If you could look into that game it would be sweet.

