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View Full Version : Just 24 per cent of children's iPad apps provide a privacy policy

March 20th, 2013, 22:35
Some developers claim they're too busy to consider it as an option.
Kids Best iPad Apps is a reviews site that offers parents and teachers guidance on the top children's apps available for Apple's tablet. During a survey of 440 apps, the company found that just 24 per cent (104) of apps offer a privacy policy option on their App Store promotional pages.
That said, while the option was available for 24 per cent, a common result of clicking the link was being redirected to a website without a privacy policy anywhere in sight.
Mitchell Cogert, CEO of Kids Best iPad Apps, said: "Given the importance of this issue, our site has stopped reviewing apps without a published privacy policy. Parents need reassurance that developers are not taking advantage of an app's access to their children. Parents can visit our site today and find out if an app is collecting information from their kids.
"When I contacted developers about this issue, I found they are so busy creating the next great kids app, they haven't even thought about a privacy policy. This seems especially true with developers outside the US."
